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#119 : Le miracle d'Everwood

Joël Horowitz, une des grandes célébrités journalistiques de New York, a décidé de débarquer à Everwood pour faire une interview d’Andy sur les raisons de son départ. Tous les habitants du village ne cessent de se faire remarquer pour être cités dans l’article.
Colin va beaucoup mieux, tout du moins physiquement. Mentalement c’est autre chose … en effet, après s’être disputé avec le prof de sport, il saccage son bureau sous les yeux abasourdis d’Ephram qui sera le seul témoin de la scène.
Délia, avec la complicité d’un de ses camarades, Arnie, décide de passer la nuit dans le musée d’histoire. Son père naïf la croira chez son copain de classe avant de se rendre compte de la supercherie.


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The Miracle of Everwood

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Le miracle d'Everwood

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Colin provoque Ephram

Colin provoque Ephram

Ephram préfère ignorer Colin

Ephram préfère ignorer Colin

Bright affronte Colin

Bright affronte Colin

Colin et Ephram s'expliquent

Colin et Ephram s'expliquent

Colin attaque Ephram

Colin attaque Ephram

Bright regarde avec inquiétude Colin faire du mal à Ephram

Bright regarde avec inquiétude Colin faire du mal à Ephram

Colin a frappé Bright

Colin a frappé Bright

Bright est très peiné parce ce qu'il vient de se passer

Bright est très peiné parce ce qu'il vient de se passer

Colin menace Ephram

Colin menace Ephram

Andy Brown, tout sourire

Andy Brown, tout sourire

Andy répond avec enthousiasme aux questions du journaliste

Andy répond avec enthousiasme aux questions du journaliste

Plus de détails

¤ Scénario : Michael Green

¤ Réalisation : Arlene Sanford

¤ Guest-stars : Scott Christopher (Coach Austin), Ian Vogt (Matthew Lansing), Beth Grant (Miss Violet), Micaela T. Nelligan (Martha) et Mike Erwin (Colin Hart)

Un journaliste renommé du New York Magazine débarque à Everwood afin d'interviewer Andy au sujet de son changement radicale de mode de vie depuis qu'il a quitté New York. Harrold, choqué que Joel Horwits vienne voir son collègue, décide à son tour de se préparer à l'interview au cas où ce dernier voudrait l'interroger.

Colin qui a retrouvé l'usage de son bras peut reprendre une vie normale. Mais le coach l'empêche de jouer au basket. Furieux, Colin saccage le bureau de celui ci sous les yeux effrayés d'Ephram. L'évènement est étrangement minimisé par le prof et le directeur du lycée qui mettent cela sur le compte du stress que Colin à subit ses derniers mois. Mais Ephram n'est pas de cet avis et Colin lui reproche de ne pas le soutenir. Ephram parle de cet incident à son père mais celui ci lui dit qu'il ne peut rien faire vu que les Hart l'empêche de voir Colin même si cela l'inquiète.

Delia décide, avec la complicité de son nouvel ami Arnie, de passer la nuit dans la musée d'égyptologie qu'elle va visiter avec l'école. Elle y arrive avec succès mais seule dans le noir avec toutes ces momies, elle prend peur.

Horwits essaye de convaincre Andy de revenir vivre à New York mais le docteur Brown lui montre sa nouvelle vie, et ses nouveaux patients en omettant de parler de Colin. Quand le journaliste entend parler de lui, il décide d'interviewer Colin et Amy.

Quand Andy comprend que Delia n'est pas allée dormir chez Arnie, le petit garçon lui avoue où se trouve Delia et Andy court rechercher sa fille au musée.

En soirée, Ephram croise Colin et Bright en ville. Colin s'en prend à lui violemment. Bright, tente les séparer mais Colin le frappe violemment Bright au visage avant de s'enfuir. Quand il rentre chez lui, il explique à Amy ce qui s'est passé mais celle ci lui ne veut pas reconnaître que Colin à un problème et demande à son frère de ne rien dire à son père à ce sujet.

Article de Joel Horwits finit par paraître et celui ci parle de Colin et du miracle accompli par le docteur Brown qui selon l'article reviendra bientôt à New York. Ephram est consterné par cet article faux de A à Z alors qu'Andy prend cela avec philosophie.


NARRATOR: Previously on Everwood...

[Cut to brief clips of various scenes from "Colin the Second" and "The Unveiling".]

Ephram and Colin are studying for their history test at Ephram's house. (from "Colin the Second")


COLIN: Yeah. I'm just a little tired.

EPHRAM: Well, you wanna take a break?

Colin's mad at Amy in the street in front of the Summit Theater. (from "The Unveiling")

COLIN: Do you just run and blab all the stuff that goes on between us to the whole world or just the stuff about me being sick?

AMY: I didn't.

Amy's angry at her dad. (from "The Unveiling")

AMY: Do you understand the concept of the word trust, Dad? 'Cause I don't think you do.

DR. ABBOTT: You know, I simply inquired about Colin's health. Much the same way you came to me.

AMY: I came to you in confidence!

After Colin's left after smashing his hand in the truck, Dr. Brown inquires to his son Ephram how Colin's moods been. (from "Colin the Second")

DR. BROWN: How's his moods been when you've been with him?


DR. BROWN: You know, with an injury like Colin's, patients can behave unpredictably sometimes.

Dr. Abbott's having a little talk with his son Bright after the big game. (from "Colin the Second")

DR. ABBOTT: You know I'm not saying that you shouldn't stay close to Colin, but things have changed. You and Amy are gonna have to figure this out.

Dr. Brown tries to convince Colin's parents that their son is not well. (from "The Unveiling")

DR. BROWN: You don't want to deal with the severity of what's happened to but as your doctor and your friend, I am telling you he is not out of the woods yet. His symptoms could worsen.

Colin throws a basketball at a display full of trophies of last year's basketball team with him on it. He screams. (from "Colin the Second")



[Open outside the Abbott home. It is not present day. It is from about seven or eight years into the past, perhaps. Young Bright Abbott and Young Colin Hart are playing basketball. Young Colin is trying to block Young Bright.]

NARRATOR: Forget for a minute what the real world looks like.

[Young Bright takes a shot and it goes in. He then tries to go block Young Colin who's got the ball.]

YOUNG BRIGHT: Yes. Zero and six.

[Young Bright and Young Colin continue playing as Narrator continues.]

NARRATOR: Forget what you know you know because sometimes you need to believe in what isn't exactly there. A daydream of a better place. A storybook fanasty where life is ordered and consistent and tales get awfully exciting before they wrap up nicely for all involved.

YOUNG BRIGHT: Yes. Eleven and six. The Nuggets could take me.

YOUNG COLIN: When you could make the Nuggets.

YOUNG BRIGHT: I could one day. I'm gonna be tall. My dad's tall.

[Young Amy, in pigtails, comes out of her house carrying Grover in her right arm.]

YOUNG AMY: [kinda whiny] BRIIGHT!

YOUNG BRIGHT: [imitating his sister] WHAAT?

YOUNG AMY: Mom says you have to come inside and do your homework.

YOUNG BRIGHT: Mom says a lot of things. Tell her I'm outside reading.

[Young Colin laughs.]

YOUNG AMY: No, you aren't. You're playing basketball with your dumb friend.


YOUNG AMY: [going into the house] Mom! Bright hit me!

[The boys continue playing basketball.]

YOUNG BRIGHT: Watch this one.

[Young Bright takes a shot as we cut to the present day where Bright and Colin are playing basketball in the same place. The shot doesn't make it because it bounces off the rim. Colin gets it with his left hand (because he still wearing his sling holding up his right arm) and bounces it some.]

COLIN: You always go for the three. And you always miss too.

BRIGHT: Oh, you think you can do better than me?

COLIN: Yeah, maybe.

BRIGHT: One-Armed Bandit?

[As Bright said the previous line, he wasn't looking at Colin who was taking off the sling and putting it on the ground. Colin steals the ball and makes a slam dunk.]

BRIGHT: Well, dude...

[Colin chuckles.]

BRIGHT: Have you been holding back on me, man?

COLIN: Yeah, maybe.

BRIGHT: Well, what about the sling?

COLIN: That is history. As of two minutes ago, I finished my rehab. The only thing left to do is to trash this old thing and my doctors say I'm officially back from the shop, good as new, gone for good. The gift has retired. Just like you're gonna be.

[During these next few lines, Bright and Colin pass the ball back and forth to each other.]

BRIGHT: Oh, you can play?

COLIN: Better than you, my friend.

BRIGHT: Oh, you think so?

COLIN: Oh, I know so.

BRIGHT: All right.

[Colin dribbles, shots, and makes it in. The friends do a handshake of sorts.]

COLIN: Yeah.

BRIGHT: All right, all right.

[Bright attempts to make a shot with Colin blocking him and makes it in.]

COLIN: Oooh...

[Amy comes out from her house.]


[Amy spots her boyfriend and her brother playing basketball just like old times. She smiles and laughs.]

NARRATOR: But who are we to enforce reality? After all, you never know when the angel of good fortune might bring back a page of your book to life and throw a kind miracle your way.



[Open in Mama Joy's. It's a busy time. Breakfast time, I think. There are many people eating in the local diner. Among them is Dr. Abbott at his normal spot at the counter. Dr. Brown enters as someone is exiting the diner. Then Dr. Brown walks over to his normal spot which is next to Dr. Abbott. He takes his coat off as he walks. Dwayne, from "The Doctor Is In" and "Is There A Doctor in the House?", is behind the counter.]

DR. BROWN: [to Dwayne] Hi. Uhhh, Desmond Rhonda, please. Uh, maybe I want the French toast. I'm a little short on time. How long does the French toast take?

DR. ABBOTT: Not as long as you're taking to order it. What's the rush, Doctor?

DR. BROWN: [to Dwayne] French toast, please. [to Dr. Abbott] Some magazine is sending a guy out to interview me.

DR. ABBOTT: I wouldn't get too excited. It's hardly rare for some local birdcage liner wanting to fill some space between Friday's crossword and the tuna fernatata recipe with whatever profile they can muster. So whatever rag is selling ad space on your dime?

DR. BROWN: New York Magazine.

[Dr. Abbott chokes some on his drink.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) You ever heard of a guy named Joel Hurwitz?

[Dr. Abbott chokes some more.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Oh, so you know his work?

DR. ABBOTT: Joel Hurwitz covered Rwanda. Last year alone, he interviewed Arafat and Brad and Jennifer. His piece on repressed renewables research was nominated for the Pultizer in '98. Oh, they hurrahed when they gave it to the rebeling antibiotic levels in the soil. Probably the only living American writer to win the Pen Faulkner who's bothered to read Faulkner. He's coming here to interview you?

DR. BROWN: Oh, it's no big deal. I promised the editor. He's an old friend of mine. Hurwitz is just going to follow me around for a couple of days. Said he wanted to do a piece on the city mouse turned country doctor.

DR. ABBOTT: I accepted the fact that life stopped being fair to me long ago but really this is too much for me.

DR. BROWN: Well who knows? Maybe you'll say something interesting while he's in town and he'll quote you.

[Beat. Dr. Brown takes a sip of his drink. Dr. Abbott is now lost in his little world.]

DR. ABBOTT: Yeah, that would be something. You know, Joel, the country doctor is more than just a healer. He's an institution. That's, that's good. You there, coffee man, uh, pen fast.

[Dwayne gives Dr. Abbott a pen.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Institution. Institute.

[Cut to the exterior of Dr. Brown's practice. Then to the interior where Edna is in her nursing whites. Dr. Brown enters, reading something.]

DR. BROWN: Edna, I need you to go down to the supply house and pick up a couple of things.

EDNA: What for? We're stocked.

DR. BROWN: Well, we need a new defibrillator right away.

EDNA: What's wrong with the one we've got?

DR. BROWN: Oh, it's broken. It's bad. Could you pick us up a new hard-start FR2 plus and limited if they have it? Don't worry about the phones. I'll cover for you. You should be back in a couple of hours.

[Dr. Brown begins to walk off.]

EDNA: Are you trying to get rid of me?


EDNA: Are you lying to me?


EDNA: Do you really think I'm going to embarrass you in front of your schmacy-pants reporter?

DR. BROWN: Well, it wouldn't be the craziest thought I ever had.

EDNA: Like I give a rat's hat about some big city dink who thinks he knows it all.

DR. BROWN: Are you lying to me?

EDNA: Did you see his last article?

DR. BROWN: Look, Edna, if you got a problem with Hurwitz, write a letter to the editor. Otherwise, go.

EDNA: Do you even know what you're going to say?

DR. BROWN: It's a puff piece, Edna. We're probably going to talk about my work-out regime.

[Edna gives him a look.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Or lack thereof.

[Dr. Brown gives her a smile and walks off. Edna smiles a small one.]

[Cut to a music room in Peak County High. Teens are singing. Ephram and Amy are standing next to each other, probably the only ones not singing. They're bored out of their minds. Mrs. Hanson is apparently the name of the teacher. I may not have the lyrics of the song the students are singing exactly right.]

STUDENTS: Take away the world today. Takes everything you've got. Take a little break from all your worries. Show what the world hasn't got. Wouldn't you like to get away?

MRS. HANSON: And key change.

EPHRAM: She never gets tired.

AMY: I know. She doesn't even drink coffee. She's like an X-file.

EPHRAM: Explain to me how this is an elective when nobody wants to be here.

[Amy looks to Ephram.]

MRS. HANSON: Amy, Ephram, let's all build to the [musical term].

[Amy smiles. We see Colin enters. Mrs. Hanson sees Colin.]

MRS. HANSON: Oh, Colin. Hello. Hold on, class.

[Piano music stops and the class stops singing. Amy stands up straighter and smiles.]

MRS. HANSON: What do you need, honey?

COLIN: Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs. Hanson, but I need Amy Abbott right away.

[Ephram and Amy look to each other.]

MRS. HANSON: Of course, dear. Amy. [back to Colin] Is everything alright?

[Amy goes to get her things.]

COLIN: Yeah. It's just that Miss Abbott needs to play hooky the rest of the afternoon. It's rather urgent.

[Amy has walked down and she goes off with Colin. Stay on Ephram's face as the class resumes like everything's normal.]

MRS. HANSON: And altos, pick it up from [couldn't catch it].

[Cut to Everwood Elementary. A bell rings and recess is over. Kids go in, we see from a distance. Then we go inside to Miss Violet's classroom where Delia puts away her bookbag in her cubby. Something, an apple, falls out and Arnie picks it up to give it to Delia. He hands it to her. She isn't impressed.]

DELIA: You have to stop following me around, Arnie.

ARNIE: I can't. I've decided you're my girlfriend.

[He shrugs.]

DELIA: I am not.

[Arnie nods his head.]

ARNIE: I decided.

DELIA: Do I have to do anything?

[Arnie vigorously shakes his head no.]

DELIA: (CONT'D) OK. But only if you do everything I tell you.

[Arnie nods.]

DELIA: (CONT'D) Go get my looseleaf.

[Arnie does and then returns.]

MISS VIOLET: Children, take your seats.

[They do. A girl is already in her seat. She is reading a book.]

MISS VIOLET: (CONT'D) Thessaly, put that book away. You should know better by now than to be reading in my classroom.

[Thessaly gives a little nod to show she has finished putting away the book. Miss Violet takes a breath.]

MISS VIOLET: (CONT'D) I have good news. I just came from the principal's office where, despite my protestations that I wouldn't trust you in public any more than I would a troop of baboons, we discussed your class trip. I think you will be most pleased with our choice. We will be traveling back in time to the Ancient Egypt exhibit at the Museum History.

DELIA: We're seeing the mummies?

MISS VIOLET: I should point out that this fine idea came from Miss Squeaky Wheel herself. Delia, take a bow.

[Delia does and the class claps.]

ARNIE: [to a nearby girl] She's my girlfriend.

[Cut to the reception area at Dr. Brown's practice. A man, soon to be discovered to be Joel Hurwitz {the big-shot reporter}, enters and closes the door behind him. Dr. Brown is immersed in reading something, maybe a patient's file. So he doesn't notice Joel's entrance.]

JOEL: Dr. Andy Brown?

[Dr. Brown looks up and sees Joel.]

DR. BROWN: That would make you reporter Joel Hurwitz.

JOEL: Not getting into law school made me reporter Joel Hurwitz.

[They shake hands as they moved closer to each other during the last line.]

JOEL: (CONT'D) But yes. Nice to meet you finally.

DR. BROWN: Glad you made it. I was getting worried.

JOEL: Roads weren't that bad.

DR. BROWN: No, I meant about me. I've been practicing charming banter in my head all day.

[They chuckle.]

JOEL: Oh, that's fun. I read over the guy who flight-tested the cyberknife on intercranial tumors and won the Neurological Surgeons' Investigative Award. How many times was it?

DR. BROWN: I'm guessing you already know the answer to that question.

JOEL: Try me.

DR. BROWN: Well, I don't have any patients right now. Why don't we talk in my office?

JOEL: No need to jump into the twenty questions. I just drove more in the last six hours more than I have in the last six years. How about we take a walk? You can show me the small town you left the big town for.

DR. BROWN: That'd be great. You're gonna love it.

[They begin to walk out. Edna walks in with some files. Joel notices her.]

JOEL: Who's that?

DR. BROWN: Oh, that's Edna Harper. She's my nurse. She's a big fan.

[Dr. Brown pats Joel's arm. Joel goes ahead. Dr. Brown smiles at Edna. She gives him a look. He walks some and then smiles again.]

[Cut to just outside the practice. Joel and Dr. Brown are out there. Dr. Brown has put on his coat. They begin to walk around the town.]

DR. BROWN: So welcome to Everwood. Former silver mining town, now home to a population of, uh... Actually I have no idea. Enough to keep two doctors busy. [pointing across the street] The other country doctor's office is right over there. Although he is more of a misplaced city dweller than a corn-cobbed, pipe kind of guy. And here we have the unattended fruit stand which no one even considers stealing from. Apple?

JOEL: Sure.

DR. BROWN: Hi Martha.

[The recurring townsperson has popped up.]

MARTHA: Nice to see you, Doctor. [to Joel] That's Martha Thomspon. The Martha Thompson, four-time winner of the Rocking Out and Chocolate Cake Off. OK? Bye.

[Martha walks off.]

JOEL: Journalists can have a Hisenberg effect. It wears off eventually.

DR. BROWN: Well fortunately we've got Irv Harper.

[We see Irv walking along.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Lucky husband of my nurse and guaranteed normal person.

[Dr. Brown and Irv shake hands vigorously.]

IRV: You've got the wigglies waiting for attention?

DR. BROWN: You have no idea.

[Irv and Joel shake hands too.]

JOEL: Just a smidge.

IRV: Well, I never cared much for a mainstream journalist myself. One of them could come into town, selling writing about one thing and completely miss the more capitivating story about the lone black man living in a racially homogeneous town. But if anyone wanted to talk about, I'd probably be open for discussion.

[Irv walks off. Dr. Brown shrugs.]

DR. BROWN: I give up. They're usually so quaint.

JOEL: Oh, please, if this place was any more quaint, it'd be a doily. [beat] To be honest, I'm not all that interested in the town, Andy, or country doctoring for that matter.

DR. BROWN: Then you drove a long way for an apple.

JOEL: I came to find out what happened to you. Something made one of the world's most famous doctors dump his natural habitat and make it in rural square state America.

DR. BROWN: Well, I don't know if I'd say I made it yet.

JOEL: Me neither. Everyone in New York thinks you're just on a sabbatical. Know that?

DR. BROWN: Well, it doesn't matter what they think.

[During this line, Joel takes out his notebook to take notes.]

JOEL: I know your record. You're too... What? Good? Too big? Too Andy Brown? For the free clinic to be it for you. To me, that means you're up to something. And I want you to show me what.

DR. BROWN: I'm guessing we just jumped to the twenty questions.

[Dr. Brown takes a bite out of the apple in his hand.]

[Cut to the gym at Peak County High. It's gym class for Bright and Colin. They are warming up. Colin is dribbling a basketball and Bright is trying to block him from getting a shot. But Colin gets a shot. A whistle is blown by Coach Robert Austin.]

COACH AUSTIN: Let's go. Bring it in, bring it in. Hustle. Thank you.

[We can see that the teens {all male} are now sitting on the bleachers as Coach Austin continues.]

COACH AUSTIN: (CONT'D) Now, let's play a little five on five. Abbott, Marlow, captains.

[Bright and Marlow get up. Bright gestures to himself.]

COACH AUSTIN: (CONT'D) Why don't you pick first, Bright?

BRIGHT: Um, I, uh, pick COLIN HART!

[Cheering from the teens still sitting on the bleachers. Bright and Colin are psyched. But Coach Austin blows the whistle.]

COACH AUSTIN: Uh, sorry, Colin. Can't play today.

COLIN: Oh, no, it's cool. The sling came off yesterday.

COACH AUSTIN: Good for you. Now step aside.

[Colin dribbles the ball around the coach.]

COLIN: No, seriously, Coach. It's alright. I can play.

COACH AUSTIN: Hey, I don't care if you can dunk from the foul line. Until I see a doctor's note, your knitting booty's in the bleachers so take a powder.

["Oooh"'s from the teens on the bleachers. Colin slams the ball down and stomps off. Coach Austin takes the ball. Ephram walks in normal clothes, not the gym uniform that the rest of the guys are wearing. He takes out his earphones.]

EPHRAM: Colin.

[Colin just walks out the door, still very angry.]

COACH AUSTIN: Let him go. Late again, Brown.

EPHRAM: I got stuck in lab. Still working on my study why playing sports makes you call people by their last name.

COACH AUSTIN: That's cute. Why don't you throw your sweats on and give me a lap for every minute you're late, huh?

[The teens now diss Ephram. He goes to the locker room.]

[Cut to the locker room. Ephram's putting on a sock with some trouble.]

EPHRAM: Come on. You're a sock. Why do you have to fight me the whole way up?

[He gets it up. But then he hears a commotion in Coach Austin's office. He goes to see what's happening. And what is happening is Colin destroying the coach's office with a baseball bat. Ephram flinches through looking a clear window. Colin breaks another window. It is right near the one Ephram is watching from. Teens watch from the door. Coach Austin wrestles Colin.]


COACH AUSTIN: Come on, Colin

[Coach Austin continues to try to contain Colin.]


COACH AUSTIN: You need to settle down, Colin.

[Bright just watches. Ephram watches Bright's reaction of Colin from another direction and looks away. Fade out.]



[Open on the exterior of Peak County High. Then cut to the principal's office. Present in the office is Coach Austin, Mr. Ackerman {he's the principal}, Colin, and Ephram. Colin is showing no remorse. Coach Austin is the only one standing. He's behind Mr. Ackerman.]

MR. ACKERMAN: I'd much rather we weren't in this position. There is a very short list of things we do not and can not tolerate from our students. Destruction of property tops that list and [to Ephram who was looking at Colin] that's what you saw. [beat] Right. We know you've been through a lot this year. And with the obstacles you had to face, it's no surprise that certain frustration can become, well, unbearable. Not that that's an excuse. Nevertheless, if I understand this correctly, this incident was not without provocation.

[Mr. Ackerman looks to Coach Austin.]

COACH AUSTIN: Benching you, that was, wasn't exactly sensitive of me. I was too much of stuff once and I'm sorry, Colin.

[Colin nods slightly. Beat. Ephram can't believe this though not much of this emotion is expressed. Mr. Ackerman looks around and nods his head.]

MR. ACKERMAN: OK then. Fortunately, no one was hurt in this. And since nothing of value was damaged, I don't think it's necessary to get parents involved.

[Ephram rolls his eyes.]

MR. ACKERMAN: Perhaps it's best if we just put this whole incident behind us. [beat] Agreed?

[Colin looks to Ephram.]

COLIN: Sure.

EPHRAM: So that's it?

MR. ACKERMAN: Yes, Ephram. That's it.

[Ephram looks to Colin and shifts his attention back down. He slightly shakes his head. Colin looks Ephram again.]

[Cut to the waiting room outside Mr. Ackerman's office. Amy and Bright are waiting to see what's going to happen to Colin. Bright is sitting. Amy is pacing, nervously.]

AMY: What if they expel him?

BRIGHT: Colin's like Teflon. Can't touch him.

AMY: Maybe we could get the doctors to say that they can't expel him. That he needs the structure or something. I mean, they know there's no way he could actually do something like that, right?

BRIGHT: I don't know.

[The door to Mr. Ackerman's office opens. Colin walks out.]


[Bright stands up.]

AMY: What'd they say?

COLIN: It's all cool.

AMY: Really?

[We see Ephram exit Mr. Ackerman's office in the background. Colin's about to say "Yeah" when Ephram speaks.]

EPHRAM: It is now.

[Ephram exits the room they're in. Colin and Bright look at Ephram weird. Amy hugs Colin. Colin takes part in it and smiles to Bright.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown and Joel Hurwitz sitting at the dining room table. It looks like it's night.]

JOEL: Your dad was an auto mechanic?

DR. BROWN: You did your homework. My dad was a great auto mechanic. Best to Rhode Island. Best anywhere probably. He specialized in French cars. Joe, Marneau. He liked to joke that, uh, they were the ones that required the most servicing but I knew it was really because they were the hardest to get right. He liked to challenge.

[Dr. Brown takes a sip of his drink.]

JOEL: You inherited that.

DR. BROWN: Maybe. I don't know. We weren't very close.

JOEL: Do you miss neurosurgery?

DR. BROWN: Well, I do a lot of good doctoring here too but yeah, I miss it sometimes. But it's worth it for the kids. I'm not saying everything's perfect with them. We have our good days and our bad days.

[Ephram enters in a grumpy mood.]

DR. BROWN: Hey Ephram. We were just talking about you. You want to sit down?


DR. BROWN: Everything OK?


DR. BROWN: You want to talk?

EPHRAM: Always.

[Ephram has walked out.]

DR. BROWN: Not one of our good days.

[Cut to Delia in her room with Arnie. She is mummifying him with toilet paper.]

DELIA: The book says you're supposed to be saying prayers to make sure you get to the Egyptian heaven.

ARNIE: I'm not really dead.

DELIA: Then how come I pull your brains out of your nose?

[Arnie puts his hand over his mouth.]

DELIA: (CONT'D) How could you be scared of mummies?

ARNIE: I don't know.

DELIA: I bet they're even scarier at night.

[Delia reaches to turn off the light.]

ARNIE: Put that back on.

[Delia does.]

DELIA: You're so easy. Wouldn't it be cool if we could see the mummies at night?

[Arnie shakes his head no as Delia continues to mummify him. She mummifies his hands.]

DELIA: (CONT'D) I wish I could sleep the museum like in that book.

ARNIE: What book?

DELIA: The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. That girl Claudia decides to live in the museum. [beat] We're reading it for class?

[Arnie gives her a look.]

DELIA: We just had a test on it.

[More mummifying.]

DELIA: I bet I could do that. I bet I could sleep in the museum.

ARNIE: No way. How?

DELIA: When we go on the class trip, I'd hide and have the whole place to myself.

ARNIE: You'll get busted.

DELIA: I won't get busted because you're going to help me. [calls out] DAD! Dad!

[Dr. Brown arrives and is shocked at the sight.]

DR. BROWN: Wh-what is it, kiddo?

DELIA: Can I sleep over at Arnie's tommorow? We're going to play Egyptians after seeing the mummy. I'll go straight from school.

DR. BROWN: Sure. I'll call his mom now.

DELIA: We already asked and she already said OK, OK?


[Dr. Brown begins to go. Delia smiles. Dr. Brown comes back to look at his daughter mummifying her friend. Then goes again.]

[Cut to Mama Joy's. Exterior, then interior. Dwayne is behind the counter again. Dr. Brown and Joel are about to leave.]

JOEL: I got this one.

DR. BROWN: Oh, thanks.

DWAYNE: You met Celine. Your money is no good here.

JOEL: So today is actually house call day?

[Dr. Brown nods. Dwayne produces a Mama Joy's bag with food.]

DR. BROWN: 11 to 4 and that makes it lunch to go. I used to make non-emergency calls all the time but it got too tough on the family.

[Dr. Abbott enters, looking somewhat ridculous in old-fashioned clothes. Dr. Brown gives Dr. Abbott a look. Dr. Abbott approaches two young boys.]

DR. ABBOTT: Ah, Robert, Troy, now you two are taking the vitamins like I told you.

[He chuckles old-fashionedly and shakes the boys' hair.]

DR. ABBOTT: Good lad, good lad.

[Dr. Abbott gives them some lollipops.]

DR. ABBOTT: Here's a sucker for each of you. Here you go.

[Dr. Abbott waves off the boys. He pretends he's just spotted Dr. Brown.]

DR. ABBOTT: Ah, well match, fellow healer.

DR. BROWN: Same to you. Joel, this is Harold Abbott. The other doctor in town.

[Dr. Abbott and Joel shake hands.]

DR. ABBOTT: The other doctor... Enjoying your time with our Dr. Brown here?

[Joel attempts to say something but Dr. Abbott continues.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Oh, he's come a long way. Had to learn a lot from me on how to be a country doctor. Here, in the country, with the very air as a pallid effect on most ailments.

[Beat. A shot of Joel's notepad. He's not writing anything. We see Dr. Abbott has one of the old clocks on a chain. They're called pocket watches, right? Dr. Brown gives a look.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Yes, well, love to stay and chat but I've got an office chock full of patients requiring my attention. Hate to keep any of them waiting. After all, you never know which case is going to turn out to be the one you became a doctor for.

[Another beat as Joel writes nothing but Dr. Abbott expects it.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Mr. Hurwitz, if you have any questions at all, about anything, even about Dr. Brown, you know, don't hesistate to call.

JOEL: I just might do that.

[Dr. Brown nods, signaling Dr. Abbott should be done and leaving. He nods again and Dr. Abbott is about to go when we go to the next scene.]

[Cut to the great outdoors. We see trees. Pan around some. We hear sneezes. We cut to see Dr. Brown in a tree with a guy that's sick. I'll call this guy "Long Hair Guy".]

LONG HAIR GUY: It's been like this non-stop.

DR. BROWN: Listen, you live in a tree. How could you possibly have hay fever?

LONG HAIR GUY: I think I cracked a rib sneezing last night.

DR. BROWN: Well, any chance you might take this as a sign that you'll return to sea level? You've been up here, what, four weeks now?

LONG HAIR GUY: It's not an option. If I leave, they'll cut her down.

[Beat as Dr. Brown thinks. Then he calls out.]

DR. BROWN: Could you toss me up some of those antihistamines?

[Joel is down below and gets the antihistamines and tosses them up to Dr. Brown. Dr. Brown almost falls, trying to catch them. But he catches them.]


DR. BROWN: Sorry.

[Dr. Brown looks below. Beat as we stay on them for a little and then we go back below. The largest Logger talks to someone in a hard helmet. Their conversation perks the attention of Joel.]

LOGGER: Damn sap suckers are everywhere. Wanna prove that they've got the soy mist to take us on. [calling out to above] Hey, why don't you get back to your parents on your own time?

JOEL: I guess this ranks as one of Dr. Brown's more memorable patients.

LOGGER: I don't know if I'd say that.

[Joel looks back to the logger and walks towards him.]

JOEL: Really? What would you say?

LOGGER: Tree-hopping for Long Hair doesn't really compare to what he did for Colin Hart.

JOEL: Who?

LOGGER: The coma kid. You didn't know about that?

[Beat as Joel gives no indictation that he knew about such a thing.]

LOGGER: I thought that was why you were here.

[Joel shakes his head no.]

LOGGER: (CONT'D) Fourth of July, there was a car accident. This kid goes flying out through the windshield, flat out in a coma for four months. Nobody has any clue what to do. That is until Dr. Brown goes in to see him. Now the kid's back to life, like he did nothing more than skipped breakfast. I can't believe he didn't tell you that.

JOEL: Me neither. What was that kid's name again?

[Joel clicks his pen to write it.]

[Cut to Peak County High. Colin's walking out of school. Bright is a ways behind him.]

BRIGHT: Colin!

[Colin turns. Bright throws a basketball to Colin.]

BRIGHT: (CONT'D) You want to play some ball?

COLIN: Oh, I don't know. Do you think Mr. Austin will let me on this time?

[Colin tosses the ball back to Bright.]

BRIGHT: Oh, please say you're bad unless you think you really freaked out on him.

COLIN: What do you mean?

BRIGHT: Yesterday, you were using the coma boy, get out of jail free card so playing it up, right?

COLIN: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you'd do the same thing, right?

BRIGHT: Definitely.

[Colin spots something.]

COLIN: OK, I'll catch up with you in a second.

BRIGHT: Alright.

[Colin walks some. We see he's trying to catch up to Ephram.]


EPHRAM: What's going on?

COLIN: Do you wanna shoot some hoops?

[Ephram walks to his bike.]

EPHRAM: Oh, that's alright. I'm on dinner duty. Delia starts scarfing down the sugar cereal if I'm not quick with the take-out.

COLIN: Hey, you know, yesterday, in Ackerman's office, why'd you try to sell me out?

EPHRAM: I didn't sell you out.

COLIN: "That's it?" I mean, what was that?

EPHRAM: Well, it caught me off guard. You gotta admit it was pretty messed up.

COLIN: Yeah, it's no big deal.

EPHRAM: No big deal? You took a bat to the gym teacher's office.

COLIN: Hey, he started it.

[Colin chuckles.]

EPHRAM: What about the car window? Did he start it too? Or the trophy case? Yeah, I figured it out. Alright? I'm not stupid.

COLIN: Hey, listen man, I'm fine. I mean, I wasn't for a long time but I beat it, you know? I mean, I can read, I can hold numbers in my head, I can bench press one-sixty. You know, I lost a lot but I can make new memories, man. I'm doing good again.

EPHRAM: Yeah, you're doing good. But that guy in there with the bat wasn't you.

COLIN: OK, so I lost it. But I got it under control.

[Ephram just looks at Colin.]

COLIN: (CONT'D) Fine. You can keep me in line, you can help me.

EPHRAM: Help you cover?

COLIN: God, would you get over this? You know, the rest of the world already has.

EPHRAM: Maybe if I knew you when you were still the golden boy, I could ignore it too but right now, you scare me.


COLIN: OK. If that's the way you want it.

EPHRAM: Not so much a choice.

[Ephram begins walking off.]

COLIN: You know, what is this? Some last-ditch effort to get me off Amy?

[Colin grabs Ephram by his coat.]

COLIN: (CONT'D) Huh? To get her to think I'm still being spoon-fed applesauce? You know, no wonder my sister took off and left you alone.

EPHRAM: You believe whatever you want. The rest of the world already does.

[They share disgusting looks to each other. Ephram walks off with his bike and a little bit of the way down, he rides it.]

COLIN: Hey, come on, wait, don't, Ephram. Dude, it's not what you think. You watch. I'm not like that! I'M NOT LIKE THAT!

[Colin tosses down his backpack. Fade out.]



[Open in a music room at Peak County High. Signs showing appreciation for the Miners are prominent. Ephram is playing the piano. The piece is "Etude No.3 in G-Sharp Minor 'La Campanella'" and composed by Franz Liszt. Amy enters and watches from afar for a little bit. She notices that Ephram is having a little trouble with one part of the piece. He attempts to correct three times. Then she walks closer, by a watercooler.]

AMY: One more try and that bitch is yours.

EPHRAM: I'm skipping ahead. Thanks.

[Amy leans on the piano.]

AMY: Is that for your recital?

EPHRAM: No. The recital piece I can actually play. This is impossible. The only reason why Liszt wrote it is because he knew no one else would be able to play it. I'd try to prove him wrong but I need to get it out of my head.

AMY: Colin said you tried to get him busted. That you told the principal on him.

EPHRAM: That makes sense.

AMY: Did you?

[Ephram stops playing.]

EPHRAM: Look, I promise, you pick any other subject and we can talk for hours. Art, horses. I'll even do sports. You know, I heard that our field hockey team demolished Ben Franklin.

AMY: Just tell me what happened.

EPHRAM: Let me guess. Colin told you that I might try to tell you that he was sick so that you'd doubt him. Am I right? You know, everyone thinks I'm a lot dumber than I am, Amy. Why is that? Do I dress dumb?

[Ephram gets up. He's about to leave.]

AMY: It's your fault, you know.

[He turns around.]

AMY: (CONT'D) Hey, you're the one that told me to have faith. You're the one who told me I couldn't give up on Colin even if I tried, remember? Look, I promised Colin that I'd stay on his side no matter what and I will. Colin's alive. He even got his arm back. Ninety-five percent of him is exactly like what was before the accident and everyone wants to concentrate on the five percent that's still broken? I mean, come on, Ephram, Colin's been through hell to get where he is. Believe me, whatever it is that's wrong now, he can handle it.

EPHRAM: No, he can't.

AMY: Well, then I can.

EPHRAM: Good luck with that.

[Ephram walks off. Off Amy.]

[Cut to the local Museum of History where Delia and her classmates are on their class trip. Kids are all over the place. Delia and Arnie are near each other. Thessaly puts on a mask and goes up to Miss Violet.]

THESSALY: Look. I'm a mummy.

MISS VIOLET: Not until high school, sweetheart. [to all of her students] Children, line up.

DELIA: Get ready.

ARNIE: You can't.

DELIA: I'm gonna.

ARNIE: You have snack?

DELIA: Two bags of cookies and a juice box.

[Arnie gives her something.]

ARNIE: Just in case.

DELIA: Thanks.

MISS VIOLET: After I've called your name, step out and on to the bus. Tiffany Andrews?

[Delia goes into hiding.]


MISS VIOLET: Jenny Borthwick?

JENNY: Here.

MISS VIOLET: Delia Brown?

ARNIE: [high voice] Here.

MISS VIOLET: Douglas Clark?


MISS VIOLET: Lance Dobson?

LANCE: Here.

[Delia makes a run for the restrooms.]

MISS VIOLET: Lisa Haskin?

LISA: Here.

MISS VIOLET: Doddie Swanson?


MISS VIOLET: Todd Ullmond?

TODD: Here.

[Arnie smiles.]

[Cut to the Abbott home, exterior. Cut to the living room, interior. Bright is in a chair. Dr. Abbott is standing. Bright is asking questions to his father. Apparently Dr. Abbott is having his son pretend to be Joel Hurwitz to be prepared in the event Joel calls.]

BRIGHT: Do you feel being in a small town keeps you from the more cutting-edge technologies?

[Dr. Abbott chuckles.]

DR. ABBOTT: Of course not, Joel. A doctor's best piece of technology is his mind. [beat] How does that feel? Is it too sound-bitey?

BRIGHT: I don't know. It sounds fine.

DR. ABBOTT: Bright, try to pay better attention. Hurwitz's work is a direct line to Bartlett's. Clearly a more secure form of immortality than children. Continue.

BRIGHT: And tell me, Dr. Abbott, what are your feelings on homos?

[Beat as Dr. Abbott doesn't understand. Then realizes his son's error.]

DR. ABBOTT: That's HMOs, Bright. Content.

BRIGHT: Can you ask Amy to do this? This is more of an Amy thing.

DR. ABBOTT: That would require us to be on speaking terms. Now if you don't mind. I need to be prepared in the event Hurwitz calls me for an interview.

[The phone rings. Dr. Abbott races to answer it. Two rings pass before he answers it.]

DR. ABBOTT: Hello?

JOEL'S VOICE: Dr. Abbott? It's Joel Hurwitz here.

DR. ABBOTT: Ah, Mr. Hurwitz, hello.

[Bright gives a thumbs-up.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Well, glad that you called. Now how can I help you?

JOEL'S VOICE: Actually...

[Cut to show Joel talking on his cellphone in the sidewalk of Main Street.]

JOEL: (CONT'D) ...if it's alright with you, I'd like to talk to Amy, please. I'd really like to meet with her.

[Cut back to the Abbott living room. Dr. Abbott is speechless.]

[Cut to Mama Joy's. At a booth, Colin and Amy are on one side with a milkshake between them. Joel Hurwitz is on the other. Joel is interviewing them. Amy is looking at Colin.]

COLIN: The recovery... sucked. I don't know how else to say it. You know Dr. Brown, he performed this magic and brought me back to life but that was just the beginning of the nightmare. Y'know, I remember sitting that hospital bed and not understanding why I can't move my arm. Y'know, everything hurt. You know, I tried to ask for some water and I didn't know how. I, not that I didn't know what water was, it's just not the word.

[Colin sighs.]

COLIN: (CONT'D) I couldn't take it again. If I had to pick that or a veg out in a coma...

JOEL: How did you make it?

COLIN: I did what I had to do. [looks to Amy] Amy, she had the hardest job.

[Amy laughs.]

COLIN: [to Amy] No joke. [back to Joel] She helped me remember who I was. And dealt with the changes.

JOEL: Changes? [to Amy] Like, what? Is he different?

[During this next line, Amy seems a little uncomfortable and proceeds cautiously.]

AMY: In some ways. Um, the little things. You know, he's less ticklish now. And um, he bites his nails. That's new. And gross. And, uh, kisses different.

JOEL: Better?

[Amy chuckles.]

AMY: I, uh, know there's no right answer here. Of course, better. Slower.

COLIN: Comprehensive rehab.

[They chuckle.]

JOEL: Right.

[Joel shifts his attention towards Amy.]

JOEL: (CONT'D) You essentially orchestrated his surgery. You brought Dr. Brown in. You never stopped trying. Even after the doctors told you it was over.

AMY: Pretty stupid, huh? All I knew was that I loved him. Love made more sense than science.

[They are all quiet for a little bit. We change views a little. Joel gives a small smile.]

[Cut to the Brown house. Dr. Brown is working on something in the room off of the kitchen. Ephram comes through the door, in a mood.]

DR. BROWN: Before you storm off to your room or slam the door, you might want to know that the comic store called.

[Ephram looks to his dad.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) They said that, uh, Ghost in the Shell 2 finally came in and he saved you ten copies. Ten?

EPHRAM: Well, you finally find out from a toko and a Toughmaster are still sharing her cyborg body. The first one was really good.

[Ephram takes off his coat.]


[Dr. Brown returns to his work.]

EPHRAM: So, how is the interview going?

DR. BROWN: Well, I think I bored Joel away for a while which is good because all that smiling is giving me TMJ.

EPHRAM: Well, I figured you would have liked the attention.

DR. BROWN: I would have thought about that too.

[Dr. Brown goes back to his work. Ephram stays. Dr. Brown turns.]

DR. BROWN: You know, you're doing that lingering thing that I do. Which you hate. Is something wrong?

[Ephram walks to the table where his dad. He sits.]

EPHRAM: There's something with Colin. I don't know what. He's been having these weird... episodes.

DR. BROWN: Seizures?

EPHRAM: No, it's more like he's hulking out. I don't know how to describe it.

DR. BROWN: He got violent?

EPHRAM: He didn't hurt anybody but he could have. I mean, what the hell is wrong with him?

DR. BROWN: I was hoping the nausea'd be the end of it. Well, it could be any number of things. Or it could be nothing at all.

EPHRAM: Can you do anything?

[Dr. Brown gets up to go to the kitchen sink.]

DR. BROWN: I wish I could. His parents won't let me get near him long enough to find out what's happening.

[Ephram gets up too.]

EPHRAM: Talk to them. Tell them.

DR. BROWN: [resigned] I told them. They don't want to hear it.

EPHRAM: Everybody else already knows. A teacher saw him freak out and I watched him sweep it under the rug. No one wants to see him as anything but a miracle. You know, how can you and I be the only ones willing to say anything?

DR. BROWN: I don't know. Maybe it's like in comics. Sometimes you just need to tune out and the world that does what you want it to. Some people can't put the book down.

[Off Ephram.]

[Cut to the museum, exterior. It's night. Cut to the interior. Delia exits the bathroom, which was her hiding place. She looks around with her flashlight. She smiles. She walks around, seeing various things at the museum.]

DELIA: Cool.

[She touches a sphinx's head. She gets on it. She smiles. She then looks at some more Egyptian stuff. She does the "Walk Like an Egyptian" thing with her arms in time with the freaky music. She walks some more. She sets down her backpack. She gets some food out and eats some of her food. A loud noise is heard.]

DELIA: [to statue] You're not scared. Are you? [beat] Hello? Is anyone there?

[Her flashlight rolls somewhere. She goes to get it. She turns on her flashlight and points it at something. She screams and runs to the front door of the museum. But it's locked.]

DELIA: HELP! Someone, help! Help!

[Cut to Sal's Pizza at the counter. A waitress picks up a pizza, pepperoni I think. We see Bright and Colin in Peak County High varsity jackets in the background, by a video game. Ephram walks up to the counter.]

EPHRAM: Pickup for Brown.

[Colin goes up to Ephram and grabs his cup of soda. Bright tries to ignore.]

COLIN: Well, look who decided to show up. You keep an eye on me? To make sure I stay out of trouble, Officer?

[Colin slams down the cup. Some splashes.]

COLIN: (CONT'D) Sorry. Did I slam that too hard? 'Cause that wouldn't be me.

[Colin shrugs. Ephram picks up the bag of food and begins to walk out. Colin follows, leaving his cup of soda, and gestures Bright at the video game to follow.]

[Cut to outside Sal's Pizza. Ephram walks out. Colin follows. Bright is third to exit who stands by and just watches.]

COLIN: You and I need to talk.

[Ephram turns around.]

EPHRAM: You got something you need to say to me?

COLIN: I might.

EPHRAM: Go for it.

COLIN: You said kept your mouth shut yet.

EPHRAM: I don't have to. You're no secret. You're only getting by because Dumbo here and the whole world has decided to kiss your ass.

COLIN: I'm getting by because there's nothing wrong with me.

EPHRAM: Oh, and you're a good judge of that. I bet you thought it would stop with the puking but it didn't. You got a lot worse up ahead. That's probably why Laynie left. She didn't want to watch. But yeah, good job that you have everyone else in line. What'd you do to keep Amy quiet? You'd threatened to break up with her?

[Colin attacks Ephram to the ground.]

COLIN: Wake up, little man.

BRIGHT: Hey, take it easy.

COLIN: Relax, Bright. We are talking.

[Colin brings Ephram over to a truck. He tries to break Ephram's hands.]

BRIGHT: Hey, get off him. He's had enough.

COLIN: To the hell with him, Bright. Are you defending him? Are you on his side?

BRIGHT: Don't be crazy, man.

[Colin goes after Bright.]

COLIN: Crazy? Is that what you think? That I'm sick? IS THAT YOU THINK?

BRIGHT: Starting to.

[Colin punches Bright three times. Then he looks to Bright and Ephram. Back and forth. Then he walks off. Bright and Ephram look around and at each other. Fade out on Ephram.]



[Open in the Brown foyer. Dr. Brown is looking for something. The front door is being knocked on.]

DR. BROWN: It's open.

[Reporter Joel Hurwitz enters and closes the door.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Oh, hey, Joel. Hey, listen, I didn't happen to mention in our last interview where I left my car keys, did I?

[Joel is a strange combination now. Angry yet excited.]

JOEL: Most people I write about are such self-promoters that there's nothing their publicist hasn't already slipped me. But you kept the best story to yourself. Colin Hart. Coma. Bone chip. The girlfriend who stood at his side and then you swoop in, cape flapping in the breeze, and now coma boy's drinking milkshakes with the blonde.

DR. BROWN: Well, that's a very romantic way of looking at it but I wouldn't be so sure.

[Dr. Brown looks in his coat pockets.]

JOEL: We were just talking about sports scores. Six months ago, he was a paperweight. I knew it.

DR. BROWN: Did you?

JOEL: Why do you think I came? I studied you, Doctor. I knew you couldn't be ten miles from a miracle. It's just who you are. Haven't you ever asked yourself why these things follow you?

DR. BROWN: All I'm asking right now is "Where are my car keys?"

JOEL: I'm not the romantic here. I'm not the one who thinks he can walk away from himself and make a life for himself in Legoland. You know as well as I do that every time you climb a tree to pass out pills, you are depriving someone of your gift. You'll be back. Michael Jordan's retired how many times now?

DR. BROWN: I don't care. I have a life here. It's this.

[Dr. Brown holds up a toothbrush.]

JOEL: Your life is a toothbrush?

DR. BROWN: My daughter is sleeping over at a friend's house. And I saw that she forgot her toothbrush and I am taking it to her. I'll see you later.

[Dr. Brown opens the door and exits. Off Joel who sets down his bag.]

[Cut to Arnie's house from afar. Dr. Brown is going up to the front door. Closeup. Dr. Brown knocks on the door. Arnie's mom, Janice, opens the door.]

DR. BROWN: Hi, Janice.


[Dr. Brown holds up Delia's toothbrush.]

DR. BROWN: Delia forgot her toothbrush.

JANICE: Well, Delia's not here.


DR. BROWN: I'm sorry. She's having a sleepover with Arnie tonight, right?

JANICE: Well, not that I know of.

DR. BROWN: She didn't come over here with Arnie after the class trip? She told me she was coming here.

JANICE: No. [calling out] ARNIE!

[Arnie enters.]

DR. BROWN: Arnie. Do you know where Delia is?

[Arnie's eyes open wide.]

[Cut to the Abbott foyer. Bright opens the front door and closes it. He has an ice pack on his left eye. Amy enters from the kitchen with a glass of water.]

AMY: Hey, Bright, guess what?

[Bright takes the ice pack off his eye.]

AMY: (CONT'D) Oh my God.


[Amy sets down her glass of water.]

AMY: You OK? What happened?

BRIGHT: Nothing. [beat] Colin.

AMY: What did you do?

BRIGHT: What did I do?

AMY: What did you say? You probably said something completely inappropriate.

BRIGHT: You blame this on ME? Look at what he did to me.

[Bright points to his eye.]

BRIGHT: (CONT'D) [raising his voice] COLIN! DID THIS!

AMY: Shh.

BRIGHT: [quieter voice] I don't like this any more than you but he has got some serious problems.

AMY: No, he doesn't.

BRIGHT: Oh, come on, Amy. How can you be so clueless? You're not talking to Dad because of Colin. Now, you're going to blame this on me? You gotta stop. OK? You've seen him. You know he is not the person we grew up with. If he was, I wouldn't still miss him.

AMY: This is when he needs us, Bright! You just can't give up on him now!

BRIGHT: Yes. I can.

[Bright walks towards the stairs.]

AMY: Bright! Bright, please. Please. Just don’t just don't tell Dad. Tell him it was from a game. That you fell. Please?

[Dr. Brown put Delia in bed.]

DELIA: I'm in trouble aren't I?

DR. BROWN: You have no idea how much trouble you're in. Do you know how terrified I was? Even when Arnie told me you were hiding all I thought about was what could have happened to you.

DELIA: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

DR. BROWN: Well you did. A lot… And you lied to me. What were you thinking honey?

DELIA: I thought it'd be like in the story.

DR. BROWN: But stories aren't like life.

DELIA:I wish they were.

DR. BROWN: Me too… And you gotta promise to stop bossing that shrimpy kid around. He likes you… Okay? You shouldn't take advantage of people who like you. He's not your slave.

DELIA:But I need one.

[Dr. Brown turns off the light.]

DELIA: Can you keep the lights on maybe?

[Dr. Brown turns on the light.]

[Ephram joins Joel in the kitchen. Joel reads a book.]

EPHRAM: Most people get bored of Everwood in half the time you've been here.

JOEL: I'm leaving tomorrow.

EPHRAM: You gonna make my dad look good?

JOEL: I haven't decided yet.

[Dr. Brown comes in the kitchen.]

DR. BROWN: He thinks I should be back in New York.

EPHRAM: Well I've been saying that since the day we got here… I'll go check on Delia.

[Ephram leaves the kitchen. Dr. Brown opens bottles of bear.]

DR. BROWN: You got any kids?

JOEL: Not yet.

DR. BROWN: Smart man.

They drinks bear.

DR. BROWN: It's your call but you might be careful what you write about Colin. He's not what you think. Off-the-record... He has physical and behavioral symptoms no one's gonna tell you about. A responsible journalist might want to make certain before calling him a miracle.

JOEL: I've got to write something. And these days you're not much of a story without him.

DR. BROWN: That's fine.

JOEL: How can you possibly not care?

They walk to the living room.

DR. BROWN: I'm in enough stories. My wife used to keep a scrapbook. Every article ever written about me. She called it: “The Book of Andy.” It was very big. No, I'm not much of a story now. No, one notices me anymore. People don't whisper when I walk into a room. Do I miss it? Sometimes. Do I think about going back? Probably. But I found my daughter tonight because I noticed a toothbrush in a cup by the sink… And last night... I had a pretty long conversation with my son right over there. No, that might not sound like much. But if you'd have told me that a year ago... This... Is my miracle… But you're not gonna write about any of that are you?

JOEL: I noticed you have a Rockwell there… The Country Doctor. It's a good one. Wholesome... Comforting.

DR. BROWN: All of his paintings are.

JOEL: You know Norman Rockwell grew up in Manhattan. 104th and Amsterdam. About 20 blocks from where you used to live. It was one of the worst neighborhoods then. He used to sit on his roof and watch Irish and Italian street gangs fight themselves bloody with bicycle chains. And then he promptly went and spent the rest of his life painting comforting pictures of a kinder simpler world. Thousands of them where the worst thing a doctor could treat is a black eye. Rockwell employed his talents to shape reality into what he wanted it to be. It didn't matter if that world was ever real… He made it real… That's my job. Your job is to pose for the picture.

[At school, Bright passes near Amy and Colin without talking to them.]

COLIN: How long is he gonna be like that?

AMY: I don't know.

COLIN: Is there anyone in your family that you're still talking to?

AMY: Down to my mom. Dinner's getting kind of tense.

COLIN: Look they're just trying to get between us. You know me better than anyone. You know it's not like what they said. I mean my best friend just turned on me and I got a little mad. What was I supposed to do? Look you brought me back Amy. You did. And there is nothing that is more important to me than us.

AMY: I know. Me too.

COLIN: You promise?

[They kiss.]

[In the street, people of Everwood read the article about Colin Hart recovery.]

[At the practice, Edna and Irv are opening the magazine.]

[Colin and Amy are in the Abbott’s back yard. They read the article. Dr. Abbott are looking at them.]

[At school, Bright is reading the article.]

[In his living room, Ephram is reading out load the article.]

EPHRAM: "Colin Hart's miraculous full recovery continues to stun those who knew and missed him. Rescued by the graced hands of Andrew Brown whose wonders promise to return him to New York an even larger legend than when he left." It's everything you told him not to say.


EPHRAM: It makes it sound like you packed your powers and took the show on the road.

DR. BROWN: ep.

EPHRAM: Like you came to Everwood to resurrect Colin and now you're done. It doesn't even mention how the Harts fired you.

DR. BROWN: Nope.

EPHRAM: But it's a complete lie. Everyone's gonna believe it now. How could he write this?

NARRATOR: Right or wrong, it's always easier to believe in what isn't there. Rockwell himself put it pretty well. He said, "The view of life I communicate in my pictures excludes the sordid and the ugly." He said: "I paint life as I would like it to be."

Kikavu ?

Au total, 11 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

10.06.2021 vers 03h

08.09.2019 vers 13h

29.10.2018 vers 03h

06.02.2017 vers 22h

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Date inconnue

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