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#202 : Extraordinaire

L'été est fini et il est temps de reprendre les cours. Amy, Bright et Ephram doivent faire des choix d'orientations qui décideront de leur avenir. Pour informer les élèves, un salon d'informations est organisé au sein du lycée par Harold Abbott et Andy Brown qui participent à coeur ouvert à l'évènement contrairement à leurs enfants qui prennent cette étape de façon beaucoup moins joyeuse. 

Bright apprend que ses résultats sont trop faibles en mathématiques et par conséquent qu'il a été viré du club de football.

Ephram a décidé de s'informer sur la prestigieuse école d'Art de Julliard de New York et arrive à avoir un rendez-vous avec le responsable des inscriptions.

Les parents d'Amy prennent un rendez vous pour Amy avec une responsable de la prestigieuse université de Princeton mais Amy n'est pas là le jour j ce qui met sa mère hors d'elle.

Quand au Dr Brown, il reçoit une jeune fille de 17 ans qui s'est fait mettre des implants mammaires mais a un petit problème à la suite de son opération car l'un des deux fuit. Il lui conseille de les enlever et d'arrêter d'être obsédée par sa poitrine mais la mère de la jeune fille n'est pas du même avis.


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Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Photo de l'épisode #2.02

Plus de détails

¤ Scénario : Michael Green

¤ Réalisation : David Petrarca

¤ Guest-stars : Merrilyn Gann (Rose Abbott), Kristen Bell (Stacy Wilson), Ben Weber (Chris Beals), Cheryl White (Mrs. Wilson) et Erick Avari (James Gellar)

C'est la rentrée scolaire et c'est le moment pour Amy, Bright et Ephram de faire des choix pour l'avenir et leur études. Du coup un salon des études est organisé et Harrold tout autant qu'Andy ont l'air très heureux de participer à cette activité alors que leur enfant beaucoup moins.

Bright apprend qu'il a échoué en mathématique et que du coup il a été viré de l'équipe de football et ne pourra la réintégrer que si ses résultats remontent. Son coach lui propose de mettre ses mauvais résultats sur le dos de la mort de Colin mais Bright refuse de se servir de la mort de son meilleur ami pour s'en sortir.

Ephram a un rendez vous avec un responsable du recrutement de la prestigieuse école d'Art de Julliard de New York. Le jeune homme décide donc que se concentrer sur ce rendez vous et répète sa partition afin d'impressionner cette personne ce qui crée une dispute avec Andy qui lui conseille de ne pas mettre tout ses œufs dans le même panier.

Les parents d'Amy arrangent un rendez vous avec une responsable de la prestigieuse université de Princeton mais Amy ne vient pas au rendez vous, ce qui met en colère sa mère, Harrold lui est plus tempéré (pour une fois) et tente de comprendre sa fille qui vient de perdre Colin. Mais les choses ne s'arrangent pas pour Amy qui passe son temps au lit et devant la télévision à déprimer.

Andy lui est confronté à une jeune patiente de 17 ans qui s'est fait mettre des implants mammaires mais l'un des deux fuit. Il tente alors de faire changer cette jeune fille sur son choix mais sa mère ne voit pas cela de cette façon d'autant plus que ce conseil vient de l'homme responsable de la mort de Colin. Andy lui propose donc d'aller voir le docteur Abott pour un second avis mais quand celui ci apprend qu'il n'est qu'un " second choix " il refuse purement et simplement de recevoir la patiente. Andy revoit alors sa patiente et lui conseille de vivre sa vie plutôt que d'être obsédée par sa poitrine.

L'entretien entre Ephram et le responsable de Julliard se passe assez mal, cette personne lui faisant comprendre que même s'il est doué, il n'a pas le niveau pour intégrer cette prestigieuse école ce qui met Ephram en rage vu qu'il comptait beaucoup là dessus.

Bright met ses parents au courant de sa situation et son père lui propose de faire jouer ses relations pour lui faire réintégrer l'équipe mais Bright s'est apparemment fait une raison et décide d'aller à l'université par ses propres moyens et sans le football mais Harrold pense que son fils n'est pas assez intelligent pour intégrer une université sans le foot ce qui jette un froid entre le père et le fils.

Andy voyant que son fils est très affecté par son refus de Julliard lui propose de mettre tout en œuvre pour qu'il s'améliore. S'il n'a pas encore le niveau requis, cela ne veut pas dire qu'il ne peut pas l'atteindre et Ephram reprend espoir et se remet d'arrache pied au piano.

Harrold et son fils se réconcilient, le père comprenant que le fils est bien décidé à s'impliquer plus dans ses études.

Après une longue conversation avec sa mère, Amy prend la décision de suivre une thérapie pour faire face à la mort de Colin.


[Open in the gym of Peak County High. It's App-Fest, the local college fair. It's packed with high school juniors and their parents. They're all checking out the colleges represented at the festival. We pan among the people during Irv's opening narration.]

NARRATOR: Ask any mom or dad and they'll tell you with drop dead certainity that their child is extraordinary. A genius of some kind. Gifted by the gods and deserving a great privilege. One in a million might even be right. Just try to tell the other couple hundred thousand they're not.

[Dr. Brown and Ephram have just entered the room. Dr. Brown is taken aback by the large-ness of it all. Ephram is lagging a little behind his dad. They walk around.]

DR. BROWN: Wow. I think Everwood got its own stock exchange.

[They walk some more.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Since when is college such an ordeal?

[The Browns have run into Dr. Abbott and Amy. Dr. Abbott has several thick books in his hands. While the doctors speak, their kids look pretty bored. Amy also gets some stuff from the nearby booths.]

DR. ABBOTT: No, no. You're dealing with college admissions. Raw competition. From here on out, parents you once carpooled with are the enemy.

DR. BROWN: They're just juniors, Harold.

DR. ABBOTT: Just juniors?! Don't you know anything about getting into college?

DR. BROWN: Well, I thought I did until you asked me that.

DR. ABBOTT: You have no idea, do you? You haven't read the guide books? School rankings? Talked to guidance counselors? Anything at all?

DR. BROWN: Well, I'm here.

DR. ABBOTT: Oh, this? This is a chance for actual face time with actual admissions officers. Even with a candidate as strong as Amy, that takes preparation. I had her make her priority list weeks ago.

[While Dr. Abbott said his last sentence, Amy started to walk off.]


AMY: [holding a Palm Pilot sort of gadget] I'm gonna go sketch out my game plan.

[Amy walks off. The doctors start walking with Ephram still sort of lagging behind.]

DR. ABBOTT: Only because your son's future hangs in the balance, pay attention.

[Dr. Abbott looks at his watch while still carrying those thick books. He shoots out his laser pen as we cut to where he's pointing to.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) You've got two hours. You're battling a class full of parents. Give eight minutes for a reach school, six minutes for safeties. Pick up a bumper sticker for anything on the West Coast. You need me, I'm with the Ivys.

[Dr. Abbott heads off to the Ivys. Dr. Brown looks around for Ephram. He spots Ephram looking at a catalog for some school.]


[Ephram looks up.]

DR. BROWN: I guess I should, uh, check this out now.

EPHRAM: Have fun.

[Ephram looks around and then walks behind something to spot some bleachers. Amy's sitting on them, throwing a small football up in the air. She's clearly bored. Ephram goes up to her.]

EPHRAM: I thought you were diving in.

AMY: I was going to check out the Tufts kiosk but Betsy Bear's mom cross-checked me out of the way.

EPHRAM: Survival of the pushiest. [beat] This year is gonna hurt, isn't it?

AMY: Hm, grade polishing, SAT tutoring, resume stuffing, parent managing. Nah.

EPHRAM: Well, I guess that's the lone advantage to having a father who has no idea about what's going on. He's too clueless to become one of the pod parents.

[Dr. Brown calls down from the bottom of the bleachers.]

DR. BROWN: Ephram! Hey, Ephram. Come on down. Duke's giving away frisbees.

[Dr. Brown throws the frisbee he has in his hands. Ephram and Amy watch shamefully.]

EPHRAM: Oh God. He's become one of them.

AMY: Welcome.



[Open in the Brown kitchen. There's a Tulane cap at the table. Dr. Brown is at the table, engrossed in the many college books there. Ephram, with something in his hand, walks in and goes to the fridge to get orange juice apparently but there's none in the carton that's in the fridge. Or at least very little.]

EPHRAM: You look tired.

DR. BROWN: Oh, I've been up all night with these college books. You know, in my day, you threw out two or three applications maybe and you knew where you were going to get in. Now it's like it's a whole continent I've never heard of before. The numbers of kids applying. All these extracurricular activities you need to do to stand out. Newspaper, yearbook, clubs, sports, public service hours; have you ever done any of this stuff?

EPHRAM: Probably but I don't think I enjoyed any of it.

DR. BROWN: Well, this is just to get ready for applying next year. We are so behind on the curve here.

EPHRAM: What "we", white man?

DR. BROWN: Well, we always got so many college brochures in the mail. I assumed they would be more soliticous. Look at this.

[Ephram walks over to his dad and reads as Dr. Brown points with his pen.]

EPHRAM: The top ten universities take 80% of their students from the top 5% of high school classes. Well, I guess we know where I'm not going.

[Ephram moves off to put stuff in his bookbag. Delia takes his spot.]

DELIA: Dad, can I wear this shirt?

DR. BROWN: Sure. Why not?

DELIA: Well, I can't remember if I wore it yesterday.

DR. BROWN: I don't think it matters in the fourth grade, honey.

[Delia moves off to get some cereal. Ephram has resumed his original position, near the frig.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) [to Ephram] You and I aren't done talking. We need to work on an academic strategy here.

EPHRAM: I have, like, a year before I have to start worrying about any of this stuff.

DR. BROWN: You're a junior, Ephram. This is a big deal. If you're going to be competitive, you're going to need to get your grades up and, and [looks down at a book] build a better profile. We need a plan here.

EPHRAM: Well, you can help yourself but "we" have a shower to take and homework to finish on the bus.

[Cut to a TV tuned to the Powerpuff Girls on Cartoon Network. We pan out to show that Amy is the one watching it. She's bored, tired, lying on her bed.]

DR. ABBOTT'S VOICE: [from away] Amy!

[No response from Amy.]

DR. ABBOTT'S VOICE: [closer] Amy!

[Still no response but we see that Dr. Abbott has entered his daughter's room. He tries to bring more light in the room by pulling back the curtains.]

DR. ABBOTT: Did you know that Woodrow Wilson was the 13th president of Princeton before he became President of the United States?

AMY: I was going to learn that.

DR. ABBOTT: Well, you will by tomorrow at 4:30. [beat] Aren't you going to ask me?

AMY: What's tomorrrow at four-thirty, Dad?

DR. ABBOTT: Well, uh, [sits down on the bed] only the afternoon tea with the admissions rep from Princeton.

[Amy sits up a little and turns off the TV as Dr. Abbott continues.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) She's looping her way up back through Everwood on her way to Cheyenne. And is stopping to meet with us. Well, uh, meet with you.

AMY: [scratching her face] Is it OK that I'm not sure I want to apply to there?

DR. ABBOTT: Not want to? And miss your chance to walk the same halls as [looking at his papers] Eugene O'Neill? F. Scott Fitzgerald? Jimmy Stewerk? Eistein? Do you know how many Nobel laurelates have graduated from Princeton?

AMY: Sure. I will by tomorrow.

[Dr. Abbott gives a tiny laugh.]

DR. ABBOTT: If you would. [hands her sheets he has] I've already downloaded some information just so you can familiarize yourself with school history, class demographics. 8% Latino.

[Dr. Abbott gets up and goes to Amy's closet which he opens further than it already is.]

DR. ABBOTT: And may I be so bold as to make one note on wardrobe? You would look quite promising in the burbury skirt you wore last Founders' Day.

[Dr. Abbott exits. Amy sets aside the papers and then curls up as to go to sleep again. A school bell rings.]

[Cut to Bright (who is wearing a T-shirt that says "Property of Peak County Football") coming outside at Peak County High. Probably for lunch. He walks to a table where his sister Amy and Laynie are sitting. He throws a football. Then he reaches over to steal some of his sister's fries, I think. Amy's busy looking through many papers.]

BRIGHT: Hey. Are you going to eat these?

AMY: Your father has officially deep-ended. The Princeton library carries over one point two volumes in the reference section alone. He wants me to become a tour guide overnight.

BRIGHT: Oh, I'm sorry. I wish I could be there to talk Jersey history with your new friend but I've got football practice tonight. Homecoming grudge match this Friday against the [pounding on the table and talking louder] Ben Franklin Boremen.

[Bright stands up and does the thumbs down sign while booing. Others join in his disgust for that team. Laynie probably thinks this is lame and so rolls her eyes. Amy's not really into either.]

AMY: Yeah, I didn't notice.

[Bright sits back down next to his sister.]

BRIGHT: Keith Alvarez just graduated so their new running back totally sucks. So if I can hold him, we've got, like, the great chance at taking playoffs this year.

[As Bright finished his last line, we began to hear some girls cheering.]

GIRLS: [overlapping with Bright] Alright, Miners, whoo!

[Bright looks to them as does Amy (Laynie's already facing them) and we see that they were cheerleaders. They come out with their pompoms and their uniforms (gold and crimson of course, being the school's colors) and continue cheering as Laynie has a line.]

LAYNIE: Don't count your luck on homecoming.

CHEERLEADERS: OK, County. Miners going long. Miners going deep. Miners do it with helmets on and never go sleep.

[The cheerleaders repeat the cheer a few times while the teens we know continue their conversation. Bright moves to look closer at a particular cheerleader who has short blond hair. Also notice, if you will, she's the only one who has the word "Everwood" on her cheer uniform. The rest of the girls that we have seen so far have the word "Miners" on their uniform. We see Page, with a lunch tray, behind Bright.]

BRIGHT: Who is the new girl?

PAGE: Stacey Wilson. Kinda hard to tell since she...

LAYNIE: Since the hooter fairy paid her a visit.

[The girls laugh.]


LAYNIE: From wallfly to prom queen in two cup sizes.

[Page sits down next to Laynie.]

BRIGHT: I love puberty. Are you sure she's not new?

AMY: Too bad you only know she's alive now that she's stacked.

BRIGHT: It's not my fault I'm shallow. It's how God made me. Blame him.

[Amy shakes her head. A man comes up to the table to talk to Bright.]

MR. BEELS: Bright Abbott?

[Bright turns to face the man.]

MR. BEELS: Excuse me. I'm, uh, Mr. Beels, the new guidance counselor. Can I, uh, borrow you for a second?

BRIGHT: Uh, could you wait a minute? Um, they're about to make a pyramid.

CHEERLEADERS: Miners do it with helmets on and never go sleep.

[Show the cheerleaders doing a pyramid. There are three girls on the top and all three of these girls have the word "Everwood" on their uniform. Stacey Wilson is the one on the far left.]


[Stacey grabs her stomach and stumbles a little, falling to the ground. The rest of the girls fall with her as they no longer have their balance. There's a huge commotion and Bright takes this opportunity to talk with Mr. Beels. Amy chuckles.]

AMY: Was it wrong to have enjoyed that?

[Cut to Mr. Beels and Bright walking through County High. I think they're in some administrative offices of some kind.]

MR. BEELS: Technically, I'm not even the new guidance counselor; it turns out I'm the first. The school board finally decided that the gym teacher who passed a correspondence course wasn't the best way to shephard students on the road to excellence. So...

[The two guys reach Mr. Beels' office. They enter. Mr. Beels goes immediately to his desk and takes what apparently is Bright's file.]

BRIGHT: Oh. Ms. Little was cool. She got me out of Spanish.

MR. BEELS: Oh. Look, Bright, I hate to be the sheriff on this but there's a problem on your math grade.

BRIGHT: Oh, yeah, uh, my trig thing. I totally blew the final last spring but I took it over this summer at ECC.

MR. BEELS: Yeah. That's the problem. We got your grades back, um, and...

[Bright sits. Mr. Beels sits across from Bright.]

MR. BEELS: (CONT'D) You failed the class.

BRIGHT: Um, I can, uh, take, take it over again, right?

MR. BEELS: I've already worked out a new schedule for you. But here's the part you're not gonna like: you can't play sports until you pass the class.

BRIGHT: B-but, w-what about football? I...

MR. BEELS: School policy. You can't fail a class and play varasity. I'm sorry.

BRIGHT: But I'm a senior now. I'm applying to colleges. Right now. And, uh, I'm hoping on being recruited for football. How can I apply if I can't play football?

MR. BEELS: There are other strategies for getting into college. How do you feel about your grades?

[Bright gives him a look like "Are you nuts, man?"]

[Cut to Dr. Brown fixing up a patients's arm in an examination room at his practice.]

DR. BROWN: Well, luckily, nothing's broken. Ice packs tonight and you should keep your weight off it for about a week.

[We see the patient is Stacey Wilson, the cheerleader Bright was eyeing earlier during the lunch rally.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) And, uh, I think we should stay off the top of the pyramid for a while. Any idea how you fell?

[We hear a door open off camera.]

STACEY: Well, I was having killer cramps all day but I just got made new head co-cheerleader and I didn't wanna miss my first lunch rally.

[We hear another door open and now we see a woman open the door to the examination room. She enters.]

MRS. WILSON: I just got your message.

STACEY: Mom, I said you didn't have to come.

MRS. WILSON: I was worried. [to Dr. Brown] Is she all right?

STACEY: It's barely even a sprain. He said I'm fine. I'll be out in a second.

[Mrs. Wilson turns to leave.]

DR. BROWN: We're almost finished here, Mrs. Wilson. You can stay. [to Stacey] You know, Stacey, I can prescribe something for those cramps if you'd like.

MRS. WILSON: Did you have cramps or did you have chest pain?

STACEY: It's nothing.

[Stacey gives her mom an evil eye.]

MRS. WILSON: It might not be nothing. She had breast implants put in before summer.

STACEY: I can't believe you just told him that. Could you just not say anything please?

[Mrs. Wilson looks away.]

DR. BROWN: You had implants? I mean, Stacey, you just turned seventeen. Your body's barely done developing.

MRS. WILSON: I offered to buy her a Jetta for her birthday but she knew what she wanted.

[Dr. Brown gives Mrs. Wilson a look like "You let your daughter go through with this?"]

STACEY: It's not like everybody doesn't have something done anymore. Demi Moore and like half the cast of Friends. My mom had a peel at the same time. It's totally normal.

DR. BROWN: Well, I'm concerned that you're still experiencing pain three months after surgery. If you don't mind, I, I, I'd like to have it looked at.

STACEY: They said it would be normal for it to hurt for a while.

DR. BROWN: Yeah, well, you are the new head co-cheerleader and you can't afford to take any risks with your health.

[Stacey has a look like "I can't believe he's doing this."]

[Cut to Ephram studying for something in the music room at County High. A door opens and an older man walks in, carrying a briefcase. Ephram looks up. The man walks toward Ephram.]

JAMES: Someone told me I could find Ephram Brown here. Did I?

EPHRAM: It depends how much trouble he's in.

JAMES: I'm James Geller. What will it be? With the App-Fest crowd, visiting from Juillard.

[At that, Ephram stands up. Real deal. He shakes hands with James.]

EPHRAM: You're looking for me?

JAMES: Well, if you're the kid that played Schubert's Impromptu No. 3 at the Denver Rep Teen Recital last year...

[James sets down his briefcase and sits on a chair near Ephram. Ephram sits too.]

JAMES: (CONT'D) ...I heard all about you.

EPHRAM: Is that OK that freaks me out a little bit?

[James chuckles.]

JAMES: [re: what Ephram was doing before he walked in] What's all this?

EPHRAM: Oh, just checking out the SAT vocab lists. Turns out there's a lot I don't know. I've been at it for two hours and I'm still in the B's.

JAMES: You know most performing arts schools don't even require the SATs. I like to think as the time you wasted on entrance tests as time you could be spending on your instrument.

EPHRAM: Oh, you want to say that into a tape recorder for my dad?

[James chuckles.]

JAMES: You know, people. They forget how rare this kind of gift is. I mean, do you even realize the confluence of events required to get one great player? The right ear is, uh, one in a million. The musical ability to let it all shine, one in fifty thousand. For them to come together in one person... do the math.

EPHRAM: If I could, I wouldn't have to study for the SATs.

JAMES: Kid with those kind of odds shouldn't have to. [beat] Listen, why don't you play something for me tomorrow. Not an audition or anything, just to, uh, let you know where you, uh, stand. Interested?

EPHRAM: Sure. Anything, uh, specific?

[James opens his bag, hands him some sheet music at random.]

JAMES: You know this one?

EPHRAM: Not yet.

JAMES: Good. I'll see you tomorrow at three.

[James Geller leaves. Ephram looks at the sheet music and goes over to the piano like he's about ready to play. Fade out.]



[Open with Ephram playing the piano. It's the piece that James Geller wants him to play for the "non-audition" to Julliard. According to Everwood Music, the piece is Sontata 23, Op.57 'Appassionata' - Movement 3: Allegro ma non troppo. The first view of Ephram is like someone looking from the outside. And then we zoom in and it seems we're in the house.]

DR. BROWN: Hey, Ephram.

[A stop. Ephram continues playing. Dr. Brown comes in and sets something up.]

DR. BROWN: Close your eyes.


DR. BROWN: 'Cause if you don't close them, you'll know what it is.

EPHRAM: I won't close them anyway.

DR. BROWN: Remember when I said "We needed a plan," and you said "Help yourself"?

[Ephram stops playing and turns around.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) It's the new regime for college applications.

[We see a very detailed calendar.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) So we know what needs to be done and by when. What do you think?

EPHRAM: I think you got a really good chance of getting into Yale.

[Ephram walks closer to his dad and the calendar.]

DR. BROWN: Hey, you got a lot to do this year. I don't want to let anything to slip past us. Besides, I don't think this is the normal scale for organization.

EPHRAM: They medicate for this much of organization. I mean, Monday, Chemistry 3:30 to 4:30, Social Studies 4:30 to 5, Sci-- I've never even heard of Science League.

DR. BROWN: Well, colleges want kids who are well-rounded and, uh, TV doesn't count. I checked. And besides, this time is outlined around your SAT prep class.

EPHRAM: Well, I don't think I need any of it.

DR. BROWN: Oh, really?

EPHRAM: Really. Conservatories don't even look at SAT scores. Piano gets me free.

[Ephram walks over to the piano to get something.]

DR. BROWN: You know that for certain? I mean, I know that an arts school sounds like a great idea right now but you can't count on that. What if you change your mind? What if you- What if you don't get in? A B.F.A. doesn't act a resume like a B.A. I just wanna to make sure you got all of your options open and, and that you, you have a backup plan.

EPHRAM: Well, you didn't have a backup plan when you went to med school.

DR. BROWN: I didn't have a father who gave a damn what I did. I mean, he was done after he taught me how to swim.

EPHRAM: Well, how do I get on that plan? [beat] Hey, uh, if Science League calls, tell 'em I'm practicing.

[Ephram begins playing the piece again on the piano.]

[Cut to football players in uniform at Peak County High. Ephram's piano playing is still heard a little bit into this scene. We see Coach Austin is standing to the side. Bright, not in uniform, is coming up to Coach Austin. Bright is in regular clothes. There is an assistant coach.]


[He blows the whistle. The players go to the ground. I'm not very good at describing it. My school doesn't have football.]

COACH AUSTIN: You're not going to take that crap, are you?

[The players get up and run laps, I think.]

BRIGHT: Coach.

COACH AUSTIN: Hey. Heard about what happened. Sorry I had to bench ya. You know, you're one of the best I've got out here.

BRIGHT: Thanks.

COACH AUSTIN: So how did your folks take it?

BRIGHT: I, uh, haven't told them yet. Tried telling my dad last night. He's on emergency at E-Bay and half of Princeton.

COACH AUSTIN: It's like having the D-line without you. You know, I could really use you this week.

BRIGHT: I'd really like to be there.

COACH AUSTIN: Well, there's nothing I can do about that. You know, I talked to Mr. Beels. I told him you were a really solid student and all that. But, uh, they got the rule and it's not a bad one.

BRIGHT: It's not even just that I want to play. I need- I NEED this if I want to get anywhere worth going next year. There has to be... There's gotta be some way I can get back out there.

COACH AUSTIN: Well, there is, I've been asking around... [beat] You blew a class when things were rough, you didn't exactly have the easiest summer there... The whole thing with Colin... I mean, it hit us all a little hard... and you... you two were a team. And I don't think it would be out of line for you to say so.

[Bright thinks it over and then speaks.]

BRIGHT: I don't think I wanna play it that way, Coach. I mean, Colin died, I'm not gonna... use that, you know?

COACH AUSTIN: Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say.

[They both stare out at the flagging defensive line.]


[Cut to Dr. Brown's office. Exterior.]

DR. BROWN'S VOICE: Well, it's always a gamble which is why your breast...

[Cut to the interior of his practice. He's meeting with the Wilsons again.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) ...is still under warranty if you can believe it.

MRS. WILSON: But a rupture?

DR. BROWN: Yup. Right there.

[Dr. Brown points to the MRI.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Probably sustaining initial surgery which accounts for all of the soreness. The good news is that with saline, there's no danger of toxicity, and the tear is actually quite miniscule.

STACEY: So I'm not going to deflate or anything?

DOCTOR BROWN: Not today. But you are going to have to have the implant taken out soon.

STACEY: But they can replace it right away, right?

MRS. WILSON: Of course they can, but--

STACEY: -- but what? It's your fault I have to get surgery again, you practically made me get them in the first place.

MRS. WILSON: Made you? You begged me for those for a year. You picked out the doctor. I wanted to wait. I wanted to buy you the car.

DR. BROWN: Well, you know, you can get it replaced, Stacey. But you can also look at this as a chance to correct your decision and have both implants removed permanently.

[Stacey's look does not suggest she's having any of this.]

STACEY: I can't go back to school flat again. Everyone will know. I'll be like Karen Fenmore. [to Dr. Brown] She did her nose before she went to Brown, now anytime you ask anyone how she's doing all they ever say is, "I heard she got a nose job," not, "I hear she got a Fulbright."

DR. BROWN: I understand the pressure, or the rewards of, of looking a certain way... But there are certain complications here. There's capsular contracture, infection, nodules, plus the added recovery time.

MRS. WILSON: It is something to think about, sweetie.

[Stacey shoots her mother a death look.]

STACEY: Oh, we're going to listen to him?

[A beat of silence.]

STACEY: I'm in the car.

[She walks out on them.]

MRS. WILSON: I'm sorry. It might be hard to get her to listen to you after all that happened with Colin...

DR. BROWN: You might want to consider a second opinion. Maybe she'll listen to someone else.

[Mrs. Wilson leaves. Dr. Brown closes the patient file and thinks.]

[Cut to Ephram again playing the piano. Now he's at the "non-audition". James Geller is watching. Ephram finishes. James turns off the tape recorder. We're in the Peak County High music room.]

JAMES: You ever played that piece before?

EPHRAM: Not really but I like it.

JAMES: Well that was um...

EPHRAM: What? That was what?

JAMES: I don't know... how much I should disappoint you.

EPHRAM: Well, I was hoping not too much but...

JAMES: It's clear you have the ear. I mean, you bring a genuinely remarkable dynamic and phrasing.... but, God, but you're a mess of bad habits. Your wrists are stiff, your posture is hollow. You, you utterly refuse to move your carriage to the music. But that's not what gets me. All that I could stand. You don't sight read very well. I mean, you barely even looked at the music.

EPHRAM: I learned it.

JAMES: Even still, you must always look at the music. The sheet is like a movie you've watched ten times, even if you know it by heart you find something new in it every time. You've been getting by on that ear and muscle memory. And, it's a problem.

EPHRAM: Well, I'm not allowed to make a mistake, right? As long as I have the ear and the mechanics?

JAMES: You need the eye too. You haven't been putting in your three hours a day.

[James rises and walks around the piano.]

JAMES: You want to be the best lounge player in Denver, that's great. But if you want to get into Juilliard, if you want to sit in the center, command performances... Well, it's all too ordinary really. It's an unfortunate combination of bad habits. Bad teachers that let you get away with it.

[James has handed Ephram the tape from his recorder.]

EPHRAM: So now I know what I have to work on during junior year, right?

JAMES: If I wanted to be nice I'd say yes-- but I'm afraid too many people have done you disservice trying to be nice. Sheet music is like a language, Ephram, the acquisition is the same. If you're not fluent by the time you're eight it'll always be a foreign language, always a struggle. To play concert level, it must be your primary mode of communicaiton. I'm sorry.

EPHRAM: That can't be it. I mean, there's gotta be something I can do.

JAMES: How are you doing with your vocabulary?

[James leaves. Off Ephram, crushed beyond repair. He gets his stuff together.]

[Cut to the living room at the Abbotts. The Princeton Rep is there as are Dr. Abbott and Rose. Amy is not. Dr. Abbott is wearing a Princeton vest over his shirt and tie.]

DR. ABBOTT: I hear wonderful things about your women's studies program.

[Princeton Rep nods.]

ROSE: I'm sure Amy will be here shortly.


[Cut to the dining room at the Abbott house. The family is eating dinner.]

DR. ABBOTT: Your mother served tea. We had some little cucumber sentences. After we talked about it, we brought out the photo album so she would at least know what you looked like. [beat] Oh, the one from your 7th grade gymnastics tournament really took the cake.

ROSE: It wasn't just embarrassing. It was, it was insulting to her.

AMY: I said I was sorry.

ROSE: We don't ask that much of you. But everyone in this family does their part. I mean, your father and I go to work...

[On Bright.]

ROSE'S VOICE: (CONT'D) ...Bright goes to football practice.

[On Amy.]

ROSE'S VOICE: (CONT'D) No one needs to be reminded ten times. No one needs to have a cattle prod.

[On Rose.]

ROSE: (CONT'D) To look at you, I guess you don't have the slightest concern about your future.

AMY: Well, I don't.


AMY: (CONT'D) Can I be done here, please?

ROSE: Absolute--

DR. ABBOTT: Rose. [to Amy] Yes. Go ahead.

[Amy rises and is about to go when Rose stands.]

ROSE: Now, hold on. [exhales] I know this is hard. I do. But you just can't forget about everything that was important to you.

DR. ABBOTT: Rose. We don't have to do this now. [to Amy] Go on.

[Amy does. Bright goes too.]

ROSE: Excuse me?

DR. ABBOTT: We're angry. She knows it. That's enough.

[Dr. Abbott gets some plates to clear the table. Rose tosses down her napkin.]

[Cut to the Abbott kitchen immediately following this. Dr. Abbott comes through and Rose follows.]

ROSE: That is hardly enough. It was a united front that got us this far with them, Harold. If we intend to get anywhere with her now...

DR. ABBOTT: There's nowhere to go. Not now. Can't you see she's hurting? With good reason. I can't punish that.

ROSE: Well, we don't have to punish it. But I can not let her continue in this... void. Of course, I can see she's hurting. She doesn't eat, Harold. She's up half the night with the TV on. It's not normal.

DR. ABBOTT: She's not supposed to be normal. I mean, Amy's not just grieving for Colin. She's, she's grieving for the life that she wanted and she expected.

[He goes to the frig.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) I met you when I was Colin's age. And now the rest of her life is like a second choice.

ROSE: She's becoming someone I don't even recognize. I miss her. I miss her life. All I have now are eggshells everywhere and this fear that I'll say something wrong to remind. Am I really supposed to just do nothing?

DR. ABBOTT: Yes. You are. Be thankful you have the easier job.

[Dr. Abbott walks off. We're on Rose looking at her husband until fade to black.]



[Open on Stacey and Mrs. Wilson sitting in a doctor's office. Mrs. Wilson has apparently decided to take Dr. Brown's advice and get a second opinion about her daughter's implants.]

MRS. WILSON: Dr. Brown said he could send the MRI over if need be but the rupture was pretty clear. The only question--

STACEY: --The only question is when I'm going to get it replaced. I don't know why we're still talking about this.

[The doctor leans forward and we see it's Dr. Abbott.]

DR. ABBOTT: And how old are you, Stacey?

STACEY: Seventeen.

DR. ABBOTT: Seventeen? [beat] What was Dr. Brown's assessment if you don't mind my asking?

MRS. WILSON: He said getting it replaced probably wasn't the best idea.

DR. ABBOTT: And he left it at that?

STACEY: Like after twelve grand and a week of drainage tubes I'm going to take them out and use them for a paperweight. I don't know why I went to Dr. Brown in the first place, I'm lucky I came out alive.

[Dr. Abbott's smile fades from his face.]

DR. ABBOTT: I assume you let him know how you feel.

STACEY: I didn't say anything he didn't already know.

MRS. WILSON: He suggested we get a second opinion.

DR. ABBOTT: I see. [beat] Well, I'm afraid I can't offer you one.

[Dr. Abbott gathers the file and rises.]

MRS. WILSON: You don't have an opinion?

[Dr. Abbott walks to the door.]

DR. ABBOTT: None. None whatsoever. No opinions here. Fresh out. Tabula Rasa.

MRS. WILSON: Wait, Doctor. It wasn't exactly easy to get her to come in.

DR. ABBOTT: Oh, I'm sure it wasn't. Good day. And good luck with your breast.

[Dr. Abbott closes the door and Mrs. Wilson is left looking at the door with a sign saying Private.]

[Cut to Main Street. Dr. Brown gets in his SUV. Dr. Abbott exits his office and walks up to Dr. Brown's SUV as Dr. Brown rolls up the window. Dr. Abbott knocks on the window. Dr. Brown sees him, smiles, and rolls down the window.]

DR. ABBOTT: Yeah, generally I'm thrilled to take in refugees in from your inferior medicine. Truth be told, I'm surprised patients don't flee across the street from your office more often. But when you give them a good reason to run, you take all the fun out of it. I just met with your patient, the, uh, the adolescent implant case.

DR BROWN: Well, they needed a second opinion from someone who isn't a plastic surgeon. Should I not send people your way?

DR. ABBOTT: Well, I expected a minimum of discretion. Any idiot would know that that girl has no business in getting more plastic surgery. She should never have gotten any in the first place.

DR. BROWN: It became very clear very quickly that she didn't want to hear that from me.

DR. ABBOTT: And since when did that stop you? All you've ever done since you've moved here is make people listen to you. You're Andy Brown. You meddle. You push. You enmesh and embroil. You irritate til you get your way. You're like pestilence.

DR. BROWN: Look, if they don't trust me, if they look at me and all they see is Colin Hart's memorial photo in the yearbook, there's not much I can do about it.

DR. ABBOTT: Well, you're not going to get their trust back by sending anything more complicated than a bagel wound to me. Forgive me for saying so, but this whole attempt at rule-abiding good behavior makes you painfully ordinary. And quite frankly, you have no talent for it.

[Dr. Abbott's cell is quietly heard.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Hold on.

DR. BROWN: You know that ring takes all of the authority out of what you just said.

[Dr. Abbott gives Dr. Brown a look.]

DR. ABBOTT: Hello, Rose. What?

[Dr. Abbott waves Dr. Brown goodbye and Dr. Brown turns on his car while Dr. Abbott talks to his wife.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) What? No, no. I'll, I'll be right home.

[Cut to a scenic view. Then to a frog ribbit-ing. We pan to see we're in a Peak County High classroom. Amy has her head to the desk, sleeping apparently. Laynie, and the rest of the class, are working on something. Laynie makes a loud noise to wake Amy up. Chris Beels is the adult in the room and he looks in the direction of Laynie and Amy.]

LAYNIE: At least fake it.

[Ephram enters the classroom.]

CHRIS: Here for the SAT prep class, you're about two weeks late.

EPHRAM: Traffic.

CHRIS: Will you be joining us?

EPHRAM: Looks that way.

CHRIS: You can pay for the book next time. We'll see how you do.

[Ephram walks to sit behind Amy. He pretends to start. Then he talks to Amy after she smiles to him.]

EPHRAM: Am I about to be bored as I think I'm about to be bored?

AMY: And paying for the privilege.

[Ephram looks through it.]

[Cut to Dr. Abbott and Rose in their kitchen. Bright has his face in the fridge.]

DR. ABBOTT: You've been off how long? You didn't even bother to tell us?

[Bright closes the fridge and goes to make a sandwich.]

ROSE: I had to hear from Evanston Keller at the readers' mart. I mean, why didn't you just tell us you, you got kicked off the team? Did you think we'd be that mad?

DR. ABBOTT: 'Cause we are.

BRIGHT: Well, I figured you had enough going on without me.

[Dr. Abbott scoffs during Rose's line.]

ROSE: Oh, just because Amy's having a rough time, it doesn't mean you get to hide stuff from us.

BRIGHT: Yes, it does. You don't want to hear from me. You never do. Everything is always about Amy and her problems. Amy and her schoolwork. I always figure everything out on my own.

DR. ABBOTT: Well, not this time. I mean to get you back on that team and soon. Your guidance counselor may think otherwise but this battle is far from over. You've worked too hard.

BRIGHT: I'm not getting back on the team.

DR. ABBOTT: I have taken on the administration before. Your mother is not without some influence. We'll convince them. There has to be something we can do.

BRIGHT: Yeah, there is. Coach Austin told me all I need to do is I had problems with my classes because of Colin.

DR. ABBOTT: Oh. Well then, that's what you'll tell them. That. First thing in the morning, we're making the call.

BRIGHT: No, we're not. I'm not going to cash in on that.

DR. ABBOTT: Bright, it might seem distasteful. But you shouldn't underestimate just how much losing him may have affected your performance. You deserve to be back on that team, Bright. You deserve the chance at a football scholarship.

BRIGHT: Well, do you think I want to be benched? You think I like everyone knowing I'm not on the team because I failed some class no one else has a problem with?

DR. ABBOTT: Well, why then don't you tell them?

BRIGHT: Because. I blew the class. And it wasn't because of Colin. I failed because I screwed up. You know, I shouldn't play. I want to go to college but I want to make it on my own.

[Dr. Abbott looks to Rose and then back to Bright.]

DR. ABBOTT: Well, we have always assumed the strategy of packing you as a student athlete. So it's a little late to change that. You know, making it on your own includes all of your strengths.

BRIGHT: My best friend's death is not one of my strengths.

DR. ABBOTT: So, do you even want to go to college?

ROSE: Harold, don't you think that's enough?

DR. ABBOTT: No, no. Let me finish. [to Bright] Do you?

[Bright turns away from his parents.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Alright. It's my job as a parent not to let your personality stay in the way of your success. So you will do whatever you have to do to get back on that team. You want to be mad at me about it? Fine, fine. Let this be my fault. Blame me. Be mad at me the whole time you're in the college of your choice.

[Bright turns to face his parents.]

BRIGHT: If the only way I can get into college is by guilting someone, then I shouldn't get in. And I won't go that way.

DR. ABBOTT: So how will you go then? Huh? You know, this isn't petty rebellion time. This isn't some cute wind stretching opportunity. This is your future, Bright. You need a football scholarship. How do you plan to get to college without football?

BRIGHT: I'll work my ass off. I'll study harder. I'll work harder. You always push me to play. You don't push me to work. Maybe I'll be good at it. It's not like we're hurting so much for tuition, I can't get into school without the scholarship.

DR. ABBOTT: It's not the money. They won't accept you without football.

BRIGHT: Why?! Why not?!

DR. ABBOTT: Because you're not smart enough!

[On Rose. Shocked. On Bright. Even more shocked and perhaps even disappointed in the lack of faith. On Dr. Abbott, regretting what he said. Bright begins to walk off.]

DR. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) Bright. I didn't mean. I...

[Bright leaves. Rose watches him. Then she looks to her husband, disappointed. On Dr. Abbott.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown setting the table in the dining room. We see a grumpy Ephram turn on the TV in background.]

TV: That is correct.

DR. BROWN: Hey. You know, I was hoping this would be stew by the time you got home but, uh, OK. We're having soup tonight. You're back late.

EPHRAM: I added a new class.

DR. BROWN: Oh, really? Which one?


DR. BROWN: I'm sorry?


DR. BROWN: The one you had no interest in? When did that happen?

EPHRAM: Oh, I woke up this morning and I thought "How can I can make my life more bleak?"

[Ephram rises and walks towards the dining room after tossing the remote.]

DR. BROWN: Well, I thought conservatories didn't care about SAT scores. I thought piano took you out of all of that.

EPHRAM: Piano's not taking me anywhere. That plan's retired.

DR. BROWN: Wait a minute. I don't understand. Yesterday, you were playing Lincoln Center.

EPHRAM: Well, I don't think my life is going to turn out the way I hoped.

DR. BROWN: Well, if this is about the charts, I've already recycled them.

EPHRAM: It's not the charts. OK? You were right. I get, this guy from Julliard. He came for Appfest. He watched me play and gave me a critique and guess what? I'm a lounge player. If I'm lucky, maybe a second keyboard at a Bar Mitzvah band. Looks like your "back up BA" plan has been pushed to first position.

[Ephram begins to walk off but like usual, Dr. Brown continues the conversation.]

DR. BROWN: Wait a minute. Hold on a second. You met with someone from Julliard? When did this happen?

[Ephram comes back.]

EPHRAM: You're not listening, alright? He said I sucked! My technique is ass and there's nothing I can do about it. It's too late. Now I get to spend the rest of my life knowing I blew it. On the plus side, you get to spend the rest of your life gloating about how you always begged me to take playing more serious. Yeah, I bet you really love this.

DR. BROWN: Love this? I don't even know what just happened. I was making soup.

EPHRAM: You'd always rather be right than have me do well.

DR. BROWN: That's not true. I always pushed you to study more just in case but of course I'd rather you'd be happy doing something you love.

EPHRAM: Well, lucky for you, that's not an option.

[Ephram walks off. We stay on Dr. Brown until fade to black.]



[Open in Mama Joy's. A view from the back. A waitress brings food. We cut to our normal view and see the doctors. Dr. Abbott is still shaken about what he said to Bright.]

DR. BROWN: I think that's the longest we've ever gone without an insult.

DR. ABBOTT: The day's a special day for all.

DR. BROWN: Oh, I'm not too sure about that. I'm seeing Stacey Wilson again today.

[Dr. Abbott slightly shakes his head.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) It seems like I've had this day before.

[Dr. Brown takes a sip of his drink.]

DR. ABBOTT: Do yourself a favor. If I offer any more unsolicited advice on that subject or any other, do the opposite.

DR. BROWN: Wow. I've never heard you admit you were wrong preemptively before. A matter of fact, I've never heard you admit that you were wrong.

DR. ABBOTT: This, I'm sure, is a feeling you'll get used to. Um, you have experience having a son who hates you with good reason. Is there anything I should be doing? Or is it all pretty much just shouting and regret?

DR. BROWN: How bad was it? [beat] My fight with Ephram was about a five. Maybe a six.

DR. ABBOTT: Nine point five. Easy.


DR. ABBOTT: Yeah. Yeah. I don't suppose there's any way out?

DR. BROWN: Well, I find that contrition works pretty well. And just keep telling them what an idiot you are. They like that. But nine point five, I...

[Cut to Dr. Brown leading the Wilsons into his office. Mrs. Wilson is ahead of her daughter.]

DR. BROWN: Yeah. I called you as soon as I saw it.

MRS. WILSON: Are you sure her wrist is broken? How could you not notice before?

DR. BROWN: Well, it's a hairline fracture. It's very very subtle but it could take a long long time to heal. It's right right there, see?

[Dr. Brown points.]

MRS. WILSON: That's not a fracture. That's a hair.


[Stacey can't believe it.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Wow. So it is.

[Dr. Brown holds the hair and looks at it.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) What am I?

STACEY: So my wrist isn't broken?

DR. BROWN: I guess not. But while we're here, I thought we could maybe talk about some of your surgery options.

MRS. WILSON: Really. We've heard enough from you doctors after plenty of visits lately.

STACEY: I don't need to listen to this.

DR. BROWN: Oh, I think you do. And the proof is in those two leaky bags of salt water you had hard pressed into your chest. Sit down.

[Stacey does. Her mom stands by her.]

DR. BROWN: Now look, I don't knock cosmetic surgery. I've seen it save lives. And not just in the cleft palates and the reconstructions but those were adults who had time to think about it. You're a girl who woke up one morning and decided to buy a woman's body. At your age, everybody thinks there's something wrong with the way they look. That's why most surgeons will make you wait until you're at least eighteen.

STACEY: Like waiting another year is going to make a difference. I'm old enough to decide now.

DR. BROWN: Hey, if your biggest concern when you find out you have to have your implants replaced is that your friends in school are going to find out that you got them, then you're not old enough to have them. And don't think I just blame you, Stacey. You're not the only one who's at fault here.

MRS. WILSON: I was just giving her what she wanted. I kept thinking about how much better she'd feel about herself. It wasn't supposed to be this complicated.

DR. BROWN: Well, now it is. By giving into your daughter, you've consigned her to a lifetime to invasive surgeries. If you're lucky, breast implants is only going to give you troubles every now and again. And so far, you're not so lucky. You are seventeen years old, Stacey. You are going to live in that body of yours for a very long time. Why don't you just spend some time in it and see how it makes you feel? And then make any changes that you want. Now if you will please join us, we can talk about some of our options.

[Dr. Brown sits. Mrs. Wilson does too.]

[Cut to Bright working on homework in the Abbott kitchen. Dr. Abbott is in the doorway.]

DR. ABBOTT: You're in Amy's spot.

BRIGHT: Yeah, well, always worked for her. I have a quiz tomorrow.

[Dr. Abbott enters the room.]

DR. ABBOTT: That many books for a quiz?

BRIGHT: I've got, like, three years to make up.

[Silence for a few beats.]

DR. ABBOTT: Look, Bright...

BRIGHT: You can save it. You're not going to have a star football player in the house anymore. Just a mediocre student.

DR. ABBOTT: I never said you were mediocare.

BRIGHT: No, no. Just dumb.

DR. ABBOTT: You failed a class and you got kicked off the football, and you didn't tell us. I got angry. If I had known you were having that hard of a time, I wouldn't have come down on you so hard. You could have told us. You could have said something.

BRIGHT: We don't talk about that kind of stuff.

DR. ABBOTT: Of course we do. We talk all the time.

BRIGHT: No, I mean... tests and grades. We talk about what's going on in my life... We talk about the game.

DR. ABBOTT: Well, that doesn't mean I'm not interested in your schoolwork.

BRIGHT: But, you're not... Is that why we went to AppFest? Looked at all those brochures together, you and I? No, that's all stuff you do with Amy. And she's always better at the stuff you were better at. And you pay more attention to her. You never knew when I had a test. Or made sure I studied. Or asked me how I did. You picked me up from football practice and made sure I iodized my shoulder. But school isn't our thing. It never was. [beat as he turns the page of a book] So do you really think I won't get into college without football?

DR. ABBOTT: I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the schools you're looking at, it'll be tough. You don't have the grades.

BRIGHT: Well, what if I study now? I mean, what about your senior year? Don't, don't they notice if the people trying to improve or?

DR. ABBOTT: Maybe. Maybe they do.

BRIGHT: Well then, I'll try.

[Bright resumes studying. Dr. Abbott stays.]

DR. ABBOTT: Want some help? I do know a bit about the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act. The successful follow-up to the Dingly Act if I recall correctly.

[Bright takes the book back.]

BRIGHT: I got it.

[Bright resumes studying and writing some stuff down. Dr. Abbott taps the table and rises to leave.]


[We hear a bell ring.]

[Cut to the SAT Prep class at Peak County High. Dr. Brown appears at the window, trying to get someone to notice him to get Ephram's attention. Amy sees him.]

AMY: Ephram?

EPHRAM: Hmhmm?

AMY: I think your dad's here.

EPHRAM: No. Impossible. My dad would never show up in school. He'd know I'd kill him.

[Laynie sees Dr. Brown too.]

LAYNIE: You know, I really think it's him.

[Ephram sees his dad who waves and gestures to meet him in the back.]

EPHRAM: Oh, please God, no.

[Dr. Brown walks to the door and enters the classroom.]

DR. BROWN: Hi. Can I see Ephram for a second?

CHRIS: Uh, yeah. Sure.

[Ephram leaves the classroom.]

[Cut to outside Peak County High. It's windy.]

EPHRAM: Everything OK?

DR. BROWN: Who was the best piano player of all time?


DR. BROWN: The greatest pianist ever?

EPHRAM: Franz Liszt.

DR. BROWN: Remember how he got there? 1830, he locked himself in his room to practice. Didn't even break for food. 1838, he comes out and invents the concert piano. Let's go.

[Dr. Brown begins to walk off and Ephram follows.]

EPHRAM: I've got class.

DR. BROWN: No, you don't. I'm taking you out. The schools you're applying to don't require SATs. This is time you should spend practicing.

EPHRAM: Well, maybe you didn't hear but I'm not good enough for a conservatory.

DR. BROWN: Not yet. But you will be.

EPHRAM: Now you know more than Julliard.

DR. BROWN: I know you can't let one person derail you. I mean, you're going to meet a lot of these guys. My father tried to do it with me when I told him I wanted to be a doctor and I'm not about to let this guy do it with you. I don't know what this guy told you and I don't doubt he had a point about your playing.

[They stop walking.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) But I saw how you blew up at me yesterday.

EPHRAM: I blow up at you all the time. Like twice a week.

DR. BROWN: No. You were angry because someone tried to take your music away. I know how that feels. You know ever since Colin died, I've been doing my best imitation of a normal doctor, but I'm not. And you're not a normal kid. I'm sorry. You have a gift. And it's weird. And I don't understand it yet. But it will always be true. And it may not take you to Julliard. I don't know where it will take you. But medicine took me around the world. And that was pretty cool. Offer expires when I get to the car.

[Dr. Brown walks off.]

EPHRAM: You take me out of gym tomorrow?

[Cut to Amy lying on her bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. Rose enters her daughter's room after knocking.]

TV: ...For around three dollars a pound...

ROSE: What are you watching?

AMY: I'm not sure.

[On TV.]

ROSE'S VOICE: Does anyone really need that much turkey jerky?


ROSE: (CONT'D) Do you need anything? You're not hungry? You didn't eat too much at dinner.

AMY: No, I'm good. Th

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ShanInXYZ, 04.05.2024 à 18:09

Doctor Who ? C'est le nouveau jeu du quartier, un docteur à retrouver, à vous de jouer

choup37, 04.05.2024 à 21:22

Nouveau design sur Kaamelott, on attend vos avis

langedu74, 06.05.2024 à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, Avant-hier à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

CastleBeck, Hier à 23:08

Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

Viens chatter !