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#209 : Amour et karaoké

Titre en VO : "Just Like in the Movies" - Titre en VF : "Amour et karaoké"
¤ USA : diffusé le 17/11/03 - France : inédit
¤ Scénario : Rina Mimoun - Réalisation : Matt Shakman
¤ Guest-stars : Marcia Cross (Linda Abbott), Sarah Lancaster (Madison Kellner),Paul Wasilewski (Tommy Callahan), Eyal Podell (Justin), Brittany Clark (Kirsten), Merrilyn Gann (Rose Abbott) et Nora Zehetner (Laynie Hart).

Ephram ne sait plus quoi faire pour que Madison s’intéresse à lui. Il en parle à Bright qui lui conseille de l’ignorer car selon lui c’est la meilleure méthode pour la faire réagir.
Amy, quant à elle, rencontre un nouveau venu : un certain Tommy qui semble avoir un lourd passé et qui est bien plus âgé. Mais à force de discuter les deux jeunes commencent à s'apprécier.

Edna fait ses excuses auprès d’Andy pour avoir voulu voir sa fille au sein d'une nouvelle relation amoureuse mais celui-ci ne lui en veut pas du tout et lui avoue même que son idée lui plaisait bien.

Linda est envahie de roses dans son cabinet, ne sait plus comment faire pour repousser la fougue d’Andy Brown et assure à son frère qu’il n'y aura jamais de relations intimes entres eux ce qui le rassure vivement.

Le Dr Brown s’occupe d’un jeune homme bègue, qui essaye de lutter contre sa maladie pour déclarer sa flamme à son amoureuse.


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Bande annonce 209 (VO) Version 2


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Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Plus de détails

Ephram ne sait comment s'y prendre avec Madison qui lui résiste toujours. Bright lui conseille alors de l'ignorer ce qui est selon lui est la meilleure technique pour faire craquer une fille. Mais un jour qu'elle est chez les Brown, Madison se dispute au téléphone avec son petit copain, Jay et cela semble plaire à Ephram.

Edna s'excuse auprès d'Andy d'avoir voulu le jeter dans les bras de Linda mais celui pense au contraire que c'est une bonne idée et il est certain qu'elle finira par venir le voir. De l'autre côté de la rue, au cabinet Abbott, Harrold découvre que son lieu de travail est envahi par des centaines de roses envoyées par Andy à l'attention de Linda mais celle ci lui explique qu'il ne se passera jamais rien entre elle et le docteur Brown ce qui redonne le sourire à son frère.

Andy s'occupe d'un jeune homme bègue avec qui il fait des exercices de logopédie. Ce patient lui avoue qu'il doit absolument faire des efforts car il veut avouer son amour à sa meilleure amie qui quittera bientôt Everwood.

Amy fait la connaissance de Tommy, un garçon plus âgé au sombre passé. Lors d'une fête à laquelle Laynie l'emmène, Amy retombe sur Tommy et les deux jeunes commencent à sympathiser.

Andy persiste à envoyer des cadeaux à Linda et celle ci décide à contre cœur d'aller lui parler. Elle lui explique alors qu'elle n'éprouve pas de sentiments pour lui et lui demander de stopper ses tentatives de séduction. Harrold, lui, en profite pour ramener les cadeaux d'Andy chez lui pour les offrir à Rose qui est très touchée du geste de son mari. Ils en viennent à parler de Linda et Rose trouve cela dommage que sa belle sœur refuse de voir le docteur Brown.

Madison confie à Ephram que si elle a rompu avec son petit ami c'est parce qu'elle est amoureuse d'un autre garçon avec lequel elle se sent bien mais que le problème est que celui ci à 4 ans de moins qu'elle. Ephram comprenant qu'elle parle de lui, il l'embrasse.

Amy et Tommy passent beaucoup de temps ensemble et se confient l'un à l'autre. Tommy lui parle de ses problèmes avec l'alcool mais que maintenant il va mieux et essaye de rester dans le droit chemin. Amy semble être comprise par ce garçon et retrouve le goût de vivre depuis la mort de Colin.

Andy arrive à convaincre Justin (son patient) de chanter son amour à sa meilleure amie pour vaincre son bégaiement mais malheureusement pour lui ses sentiments ne sont pas réciproquent. Il remercie malgré tout le docteur Brown de l'avoir aidé à aller jusqu'au bout en avouant ce qu'il ressentait.

Madison reste perplexe vis à vis de son baiser partagé avec Ephram mais même si cela l'effraie, elle décide de continuer dans cette voie ce qui rend Ephram très heureux. Et tout deux s'embrassent à nouveau, sans appréhension cette fois.

Harrold finit par discuter avec sa sœur d'Andy et elle lui avoue alors pourquoi elle essaye de mettre une barrière entre elle et le docteur Brown. Harrold est triste d'apprendre cette nouvelle mais il pense que si sa maladie est la seule raison pour laquelle elle repousse Andy, elle ne doit pas être un obstacle car Andy est quelqu'un de bien.

En raccompagnant Amy chez elle, Tommy embrasse cette dernière ce qui la laisse pensive.

Andy malgré les interdictions de Linda, vient lui jouer la sérénade dans son jardin. Linda lui apprend alors les raisons pour lesquelles elle l'a repoussé.


[Open on the sky on a nice clear day. We pan down a little and see we're at Everwood Video. Irv's narration starts kicking up.]

NARRATOR: Ask most people about their favorite movie and they usually recite the last line to you.

[Cut to the interior. Some people are milling around including Bright and Ephram who is lagging behind Bright. Bright looks at some movies as Ephram looks around.]

NARRATOR: (CONT'D) But hardly anyone ever remembers a movie's first line. How it all starts. Where the fun truly begins.

[Bright picks up a DVD to show Ephram.]

EPHRAM: No. Forget it.

BRIGHT: C'mon. Look how much fun they're having. Bikinis, the beach balls. We could be having that much fun. You see her? Her top comes off.

EPHRAM: I'm not in the mood to watch soft-core porn with you. [beat] C'mon. Let's just get The Pianist.

BRIGHT: No. Just because you get the hives man from the babysitter doesn't mean I can just watch a stupid piano movie.

EPHRAM: It's not just a piano movie. It's also about the Holocaust.

BRIGHT: [sarcastic] Yeah, well, that's a selling point.

EPHRAM: Forget it. Just get whatever you want. I don't care.

[Bright sighs.]

BRIGHT: Alright, huddle up.

[Ephram doesn't move an inch except for looking at a DVD.]

BRIGHT: (CONT'D) That means come here. It's like working raw clay, man. Look, you're obviously sprung on this chick so you need a game plan. OK? And because I'm the master all things woman--

EPHRAM: [interrupting] No. Forget it. OK? Forget it. I've tried everything.

BRIGHT: No. No, you haven't. You've only tried what you've always tried and it didn't work, did it? [holds up a DVD] You went the way of the wuss, put a boombox up in the air, you know, lay your heart on the line, Cusack crap. That bit is tired, man. Bottom line, you don't want to be living your life in some dippy romantic comedy. You, my friend, want to live the life of the action star. Like The Rock. Taking Japan by day, getting the hunnies by night.

EPHRAM: That man's bicep is twice the size of my head. I'm outta here.

BRIGHT: OK. No, no. Forget The Rock, man. Look, we're gonna work with what you've got, OK? And what you have is that mysterious vibe. That kinda Joaquin Phoenix, "I could go postal on your ass any minute" kinda thing. You gotta keep her guessing.

EPHRAM: How do I do that?

BRIGHT: By ignoring her.

EPHRAM: Ignore her. That's your plan?

BRIGHT: It's perfect. Right now, she's expecting you to be all, you know, "Hey, sorry about copping a feel the last night"--

EPHRAM: I did not cop a feel--

BRIGHT: But if you ignore her, you maintain your position of power. Nothing keeps a girl around more than the possibility that hey, you might not want even her there.

[Ephram considers this.]

EPHRAM: You know, that actually makes sense. It's wrong and evil, but it kinda makes sense.

BRIGHT: Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

[Bright and Ephram continue browsing the videos. Ephram looks up and hears a movie on the screen and we pan over to it. We see the end of Casablanca.]

ON THE SCREEN (LOUIS): "Alright, Rick."

HUMPHREY BOGART ON THE SCREEN (RICK): "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."



[Open in the Brown kitchen where Delia plans her first slumber party with Brittany. Dr. Brown's nearby, making something near the fridge.]

BRITTANY: Popcorn?

DELIA: Check.

BRITTANY: Ice cream?

DELIA: Check.

BRITTANY: Did we rent the karaoke machine yet?

DELIA: I don't know. [to her dad] Did we rent the karaoke machine yet?

DR. BROWN: What?

DELIA: For my slumber party. You promised.

DR. BROWN: Right. Karaoke. Got it.

BRITTANY: And where are we on the pizza?

DR. BROWN: Well, I thought I'd order it, you know, the night of the party.

BRITTANY: I'd get a head start on that if I were you, Dr. Brown. At my last slumber party, we had a very serious pepperoni situation -- total chaos.

DELIA: Dad, we can't have chaos.

DR. BROWN: Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Now, listen, I got to go to work early, so Nina's gonna drive you guys, OK?

[Dr. Brown exits the kitchen.]

DELIA: He's acting weird.

BRITTANY: We could be in trouble.

[Cut to the Brown Family Practice. Door closes and Dr. Brown enters. Edna's already there, in her nursing whites.]

DR. BROWN: Morning, Edna.

EDNA: Morning.

DR. BROWN: Has, uh -- has Linda called?

EDNA: No. Was she supposed to?

DR. BROWN: Well, not necessarily, but I'm hoping she will.

[Edna hands Dr. Brown some things and his coffee.]

EDNA: You know, Doc, I might have been wrong the other day about you and Linda being sweet on each other. I don't know why I said that. Hell, I don't even know what's coming out of my own mouth most of the time. I mean, I, uh, I drink a lot.

DR. BROWN: No, you were right. There is something. I mean, it's been awhile, but I know that feeling, and, uh, I think she feels it, too.

EDNA: What sold you on it -- her flat-out rejection or her flat-out rejection?

DR. BROWN: For your information, the rejection was hardly flat-out. It was more...implied. She didn't say she was interested, and then again, she didn't officially say that she wasn't. Fine lines, Edna. Fine lines.

EDNA: I think you spoke your piece pretty good the other day, and she didn't respond. Doesn't that mean...

DR. BROWN: Words. I gave her a bunch of words. I haven't actually shown her that I can back up those words with some serious action. And women like men of action... don't they?

EDNA: I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all.

DR. BROWN: Trust me, she's gonna call.

EDNA: How can you be so sure?

[Cut to a bunch of roses. Pan out to see Dr. L. Abbott looking at them and a card in the reception area of Abbott & Abbott Medical. Louise is present too. Dr. H. Abbott enters his office.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: What in the world...

LOUISE: Dr. Brown sent them for your sister. Isn't it romantic?

DR. H. ABBOTT: Certainly is not romantic. It is arrogant and puerile. What, does the man think he can simply buy your affection with 100 --

LOUISE: Three hundred.

DR. H. ABBOTT: 300 roses? Dear God. These must have cost a fortune.

DR. L. ABBOTT: You're right, Harry. It's insulting. But I have absolutely no intention of responding, so you don't have to get so upset.

LOUISE: You're not going to respond?

DR. L. ABBOTT: No, I figure I will just ignore it, and eventually he'll take the hint and give up.

DR. H. ABBOTT: The man is persistent as a wart virus. But I do applaud your strategy. Although you may need to avoid him as well as ignore him in order to fully implement it. I'll pick up lunch today from Mama Joy's. Heck, we can eat in for the next two weeks if that's what it takes.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Oh, joy. Uh, Louise, you can, ummm, take home the flowers if you want them.

LOUISE: What should I do about the card?

DR. L. ABBOTT: Oh, I'll, uh -- I'll get rid of it myself.

[Louise moves off. Dr. L. Abbott has eventually touching edge of card gently to her heart, in stark contrast to her words.]

[Cut to the Everwood Pharmacy where Amy is getting her antidepressants and the instructions on how to take them from a pharmacist.]

PHARMACIST: This prescription should last you six weeks. Do you know how to take it?

AMY: Yeah, I --

PHARMACIST: Zoloft should be taken once a day in the morning or in the evening. Now, once you decide, you need to take it at the same time every day.

AMY: Yeah, I know. Thanks.

[Amy starts walking to the cash register, walking past a boy around her age who is looking at a magazine. No cashier is behind the counter. Amy sighs.]

AMY: [to boy nearby] Know where the cashier is?

BOY: I think he's on break right now.

AMY: Perfect.

BOY: He'll only be five minutes. I wouldn't worry about it.

AMY: Oh, no, I'm not worrying. I'm just in a hurry.

[The boy laughs.]

AMY: Something funny about that?

BOY: Um, a little, yeah. I mean, how old are you -- 15, 16? Can't be too many things so important that being 5 minutes late would kill you. What are the odds that the next moment is gonna be that much better?

AMY: At this particular moment, they're pretty good.

[Amy sighs and clears her throat. The boy steps behind the register and puts on his uniform. He's the cashier. He clears his throat.]

BOY: Will that be all?

AMY: Yeah.

BOY: Oh, um, no gum or anything?

AMY: No.

BOY: Sorry. I forgot. You're in a hurry.

[Amy rolls her eyes.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown meeting with Justin, a man in his mid-20s perhaps who has a speech impediment.]

JUSTIN: "It has b-been raining very hard for the past t-t-three hours."

DR. BROWN: The point is to break up the sentence into smaller pieces. Focus on the first part -- "it has been raining" -- then pause, and you don't have to speak so quickly.

JUSTIN: I don't think this is w-working.

DR. BROWN: I think we're making great headway.

JUSTIN: I was thinking I'd like to try the drugs, like maybe Z--

DR. BROWN: Zyprexa? Where'd you even learn about that?

JUSTIN: The Internet. I also know about respir-- respiradone.

DR. BROWN: Justin, those are both antipsychotics. Which are sometimes used for -- for stuttering, yes, but only very rarely, and I don't think this is the right path for you in this case. I think if we continue the therapy --

JUSTIN: Don't you think drugs will work faster?

DR. BROWN: Not necessarily. There are risks involved. There are neuromuscular effects. You could experience Parkinson's-like symptoms, vertigo, seizures, not to mention the behavioral side effects, like insomnia, depression --

JUSTIN: I d-don't care.

[Justin goes to the door.]

DR. BROWN: Look, Justin, if you don't think I'm the best speech pathologist for you, I can always recommend someone else, but --

JUSTIN: She's leaving.

DR. BROWN: Who's leaving?

JUSTIN: Kirsten. My friend. My best friend, actually. Who...

DR. BROWN: Who you want to be more than friends with.

JUSTIN: Yeah. But she's moving to Texas in t-three days. And I have to t-tell her how I feel.

DR. BROWN: I didn't realize we were on a mission here. You should've told me.

JUSTIN: I thought it would sound dumb.

DR. BROWN: Justin, there is nothing dumb about the pursuit of a good woman. And since we only have three days, we're gonna have to be more specific. OK, here's what I want you to do -- go home, write down everything you want to say to Kirsten, make it brief, memorize it, and come back here tomorrow, and we are going to practice it until you can recite it standing on your head.

JUSTIN: Will that make a difference?

DR. BROWN: Sure, it will make a difference. If you know what you're going to say, there's a better chance of it coming out fluently. And if that doesn't work, I know a really great florist I can refer you to.

[Cut to the room between the door and the Brown kitchen. Delia and Madison are present, putting stuff in party bags. Ephram opens the door and goes to the kitchen.]

MADISON: Hey. I was thinking we could do pizza tonight. Would that be cool with you?

DELIA: Did you lose your voice or something?

MADISON: Or else I found this new recipe in Jane magazine. I could try cooking. I don't mind.

EPHRAM: Whatever.

[Madison gives Ephram a look but her cellular phone rings and she answers it.]

MADISON: What's up? No, I'm still at work. I'm almost done. Look, Jay, if you don't want to go, it's fine. That's not what I said. You're twisting my words around again.

[Madison goes out to the porch. Ephram watches, trying to listen.]

MADISON: (CONT'D) I'm not trying to pick a fight. No, you're the one -- no, I do not.

DELIA: [to her brother] If you're going to stand there, help.


MADISON: [still on the phone] No, you said that. You know what? It doesn't matter. I'll go by myself.

DELIA: Hey. One gobstopper per bag. One.

MADISON: [into the phone] You know what? Forget it.

[Madison finishes the call and comes back in the house.]

MADISON: You guys almost finished with those?

DELIA: Almost. Did you get into a fight?

MADISON: No. That was just --

EPHRAM: Jay? Birds. Uh, jaybirds. That's something you need to have at your party.

DELIA: What?

EPHRAM: You know, jaybirds. It's a type of bird. You know, birds, they sing. Singing, thematically -- that links you with your karaoke and the birds -- your party theme. Anyway, it's just a thought. Whatever.



[Open on the exterior of the Brown home. Then cut in the Brown living room. Delia's watching a cartoon playing on TV. Ephram walks in, looking back at Madison who is in the kitchen. He clears some stuff and lays down on the sofa.]

DELIA: What's wrong with you?

EPHRAM: Nothing. But I think there's something wrong with Madison. I think she's upset.

DELIA: I know. I'm 10, not stupid.

EPHRAM: So why don't you go talk to her, try to make her feel better?

DELIA: How am I supposed to do that?

EPHRAM: Go tell her that she has nice hair or that you like her sweater or something.

DELIA: Why don't you go tell her? Because I think it would mean more coming from you. Why would she --

EPHRAM: Just go do it!

DELIA: Fine.

[Delia goes to talk to Madison. Ephram watches them chat.]

DELIA: Hi, Madison. I like your sweater.

MADISON: Thanks, Delia.

DELIA: And you don't have any pimples, either, which is good.

[Madison chuckles.]

MADISON: Thanks. I'm sorry I've been such a bummer all day. I'm just kind of in a rotten mood.


MADISON: Because my plans for tonight fell through. I was supposed to have a date, but instead we decided to break up. It's just kind of sucky, that's all.

[We see Ephram who is taking in the news.]

DELIA: Well, if you don't have anything to do tonight, you could come to my slumber party.

[We see Ephram get a look on his face, like "What are you doing, sis?".]

MADISON: Oh, I don't know, sweetie.

DELIA: Come on. There's gonna be karaoke and pizza...

[Ephram shakes his head no but Delia doesn't notice.]

DELIA: (CONT'D) ...and you have to meet my best friend. She's really cool. Please.

[Ephram does one sweeping gesture with his hand. Madison smiles at Delia's enthusiasm.]

MADISON: You know what? That does sound like fun. I'd love to come to your slumber party. Thanks.

DELIA: You're welcome.

[Delia gives Ephram a thumbs-up sign. Ephram is dying.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown practicing with Justin again. Justin sighs.]

DR. BROWN: OK. Let's try it again, all right? And remember, just keep it simple. This is all very casual, just two friends talking, OK?

JUSTIN: Casual. Got it.

[Justin sighs again.]

DR. BROWN: [as Kirsten] Hi, Justin. You wanted to see me?

JUSTIN: Hi, K-Kirsten.

[A long beat.]

DR. BROWN: So, what's up?

JUSTIN: You've been my best f-friend for as long as I can remem-member, and I'm not sure when it...happened, but my feelings for you b-began to grow.

DR. BROWN: Are you memorized this thing like we talked about?

JUSTIN: I spent eight hours memorizing it.

DR. BROWN: OK, all right. I believe you. You know what? I got it. Maybe there are too many words. We could just trim this part down.

JUSTIN: It's not the speech, Doc. It's me.

[Dr. Brown looks up.]

JUSTIN: (CONT'D) Every time I think of K-Kirsten, I g-get nervous. Are you sure the drugs won't work?

DR. BROWN: Not by tomorrow. OK, I got it. Let's just forget the speech. Sit down. Just sit down. Forget that. I want you to just tell me simply, OK, in the most basic way you can, what is it about Kirsten that's special? And don't -- don't think, just talk.

JUSTIN: It's not one thing, it's -- it's just who she is. Like, back in high school, when all the other kids used to make fun of me for the way I talk, she didn't. She never finishes my sentences, either, you know, not even when she knows what I'm going to say. My d-dad doesn't even do that. And she loves movies, and almost like they were people. You know how you have someone you call when you're feeling good and other people you call when you're feeling lousy? When she's s-sad, she rents "The Way We Were." And when something good happens to her, she rents "Groundhog Day." Her all-time f-favorite is "An Officer and A Gentleman." She told me once that she wished her life was like a movie.

[A beat and Justin stands up.]

JUSTIN: (CONT'D) I'm never gonna be able to do this, Doc. I might as well just quit now and save myself the humiliation.

DR. BROWN: Come on, Justin. You can't give up. Not when you're this crazy about someone.

JUSTIN: Sure you can. Been doing it my whole life.

[Cut to Bright playing some basketball outside his home when Ephram comes up.]

EPHRAM: Madison's sleeping over tonight.

[Bright laughs.]

BRIGHT: That's awesome! All systems go!

EPHRAM: No, no, that's not awesome, all right? She's coming over for Delia's slumber party. I guess that's my fault inadvertently, but I was just trying to make her feel better.

BRIGHT: Wait, what? That doesn't sound like ignoring to me.

EPHRAM: I did it through Delia, so it's fine.

BRIGHT: It doesn't matter, dude. Vertically or invertically, it makes no difference.

EPHRAM: "Inadvertently," Bright. The word is "inadvertently."

BRIGHT: Look, genius-boy, you want to sit here and play scrabble or do you want to get the dibble-dabble? What time does the party start?

EPHRAM: I don't know -- Seven?

BRIGHT: I'll be there at six.


BRIGHT: Because you need a wingman, somebody who's gonna keep you away from Madison. Otherwise, you're just gonna screw things up worse than they already are.

EPHRAM: Yeah, I didn't think about that.

BRIGHT: Oh, obviously. For being a smart guy, actually you're kind of an idiot.

[Cut to Laynie and Amy talking at Sal's Pizza.]

AMY: No.

LAYNIE: It's not gonna be like the ECC party.

AMY: I'm not interested.

LAYNIE: How can you not be interested in meeting somebody that you don't even know?

[Laynie notices Amy's attention is not all on her.]

LAYNIE: (CONT'D) What are you looking at?

AMY: Nothing, just the clock.

[She's really looking at the cashier from the pharmacy earlier. Laynie turns around to look in the general direction that Amy's looking at.]

LAYNIE: Is that Tommy Callahan?

AMY: Who's Tommy Callahan?

LAYNIE: The guy at the pinball machine. Huh. Definitely Tommy Callahan. I guess he's out of rehab.

AMY: Rehab? For what?

LAYNIE: The guy was, like, a total tweeker. He was doing meth practically every day. You didn't hear about this?

AMY: Should I have?

LAYNIE: He went to County. I guess you guys didn't really hang in the same circles though.

AMY: Did he graduate or something?

LAYNIE: Mnh-mnh. He's only a year older than us, but when he was a sophomore, he tried to light his locker on fire, so they sent him to Olympic. And I heard about the meth thing at boarding school. Basically, the guy's famous for being insane. [switching topics] Um, anyway, so it's just one party.

AMY: OK, fine. I'll go. Please?

LAYNIE: Thank you. I can't wait for you to meet Bobby. He's really, really, really sweet. And he made me a mix CD, and I know that means he really likes me, so... cute little Bobby with his blue eyes.

[Cut to Dr. H. Abbott in his office. A balloon floats by.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: What in the name...

[Dr. H. Abbott gets up and walks into office waiting room, hitting a balloon as he goes. He clears throat.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: He's persistent, I'll give him that.

LOUISE: This one says "celebrate." It's my favorite.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Louise, I want you to round up these giant balls of helium and take them to the dumpster immediately. This is a place of business, not a playground. Linda, initially, I agreed with your idea to ignore the man, but clearly we have both underestimated the level of insanity that we are dealing with here. You're gonna have to take some action.

DR. L. ABBOTT: I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Tell him why you don't like him. You do have some kind of reason, right?

DR. L. ABBOTT: [unconvincingly] I have a reason. I have lots of reasons.

[Dr. H. Abbott makes a gesture as to ask her to elaborate.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) For one thing, I am not a big fan of facial hair.

[Dr. L. Abbott searches frantically for a convincing reason.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: And, umm, ah, most importantly, umm, we wouldn't make sense in the long run. We're just not a good fit. That's all.

DR. H. ABBOTT: For God's sake, you have to tell him that. Just go over there right now and, and let him down.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Right.

DR. H. ABBOTT: [to self] Let him down hard. [to the nurse] Louise, balloons -- dumpster.

[Cut to Dr. L. Abbott barging into Dr. Brown's office.]


DR. L. ABBOTT: This has to stop.

DR. BROWN: So you got the balloons?

DR. L. ABBOTT: I did, but I don't want them, and I don't want the flowers. Do you understand?

DR. BROWN: Not a big fan of presents. Got it.

DR. L. ABBOTT: No, it's not the presents. It's you, Andy. I'm not interested in you. I'm sorry. I was hoping that we didn't have to have this whole conversation, but obviously we do. The thing is I'm not attracted to you, and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I don't want to date you, and I don't foresee anything romantic happening between us.


[Dr. L. Abbott sighs.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just -- I didn't know how else to put it, so, please, it just has to stop, OK?

DR. BROWN: Sure. OK.

[Dr. L. Abbott leaves. Dr. Brown is hurting. Fade out.]



[Open on Bright doing karaoke to Destiny's Child's "Miss Independent." He's offkey. The girls at the slumber party love him anyway. Ephram and Madison are watching on the sofa. We pan over a little to show Dr. Brown next to Ephram.]

BRIGHT: The car I'm driving I bought it 'cause I depend on me / all the women that's independent

[Bright puts the mic to the girls.]

GIRLS: Throw your hands up at me

BRIGHT: All the honeys who makin' money

GIRLS: Throw your hands up at me

BRIGHT: All the honeys who makin' money

GIRLS: Throw your hands up at me

DR. BROWN: I think I need another soda.

EPHRAM: You got a full glass right there.

DR. BROWN: Yeah, but if I go get another one, I can escape to the kitchen for a whole five minutes.

EPHRAM: You know, sometimes you're smarter than you look.

DR. BROWN: Excuse me.

[Dr. Brown goes to the kitchen.]

MADISON: Don't take this the wrong way, but your friend's a little weird.

EPHRAM: Oh, let's just hope he's done with the ballad portion of the evening.

MADISON: So, why does it seem like we haven't talked in forever?

[Bright's finished doing his karaoke and sits down between Ephram and Madison, fulfilling his duties as wingman.]

BRIGHT: Dude, I feel a duet coming on. Look it -- Celine and Peabo?

EPHRAM: Uh, I think I'll pass.

BRIGHT: OK, no worries. Plenty to choose from. [to Madison] Hey, could you move down a little? You're actually kind of invading my space here.

[Madison moves off.]

MADISON: Yeah, sure.

BRIGHT: Buh-bye.

EPHRAM: Smooth, dude.

BRIGHT: I told you -- wingman.

[Dr. Brown comes back into the living room from the kitchen. He sighs and Brittany's nearby. She senses something's up.]

BRITTANY: You're sad, aren't you?

DR. BROWN: A little bit.

BRITTANY: Maybe you need a little karaoke. My dad says singing is the cure for anything, and anyone can do it. All you gotta do is open your mouth and sing.

DR. BROWN: Just open your mouth and sing, huh?

[Brittany nods. Dr. Brown moves off as he gets an idea.]

[Cut to someone reading a book. We hear a door open and see we're in the Abbott home. Dr. H. Abbott enters. Rose's in the living room. She's the one reading the book.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Hello.

ROSE: Hello.

[Dr. H. Abbott brings in roses and balloons in his hands. He sets them by his wife and she's surprised.]

ROSE: (CONT'D) Harold, what's all this for?

DR. H. ABBOTT: Oh, just for being you. A simple gesture, that's all.

[They kiss.]

ROSE: It's lovely. I assume Linda didn't mind you stealing all her presents like this.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Sometimes simple gestures are born out of convenience, Rose. That doesn't make them any less thoughtful. So I take it Linda told you about...

ROSE: Oh, yes. Isn't it remarkable? The only thing she didn't make clear is why she's refusing Dr. Brown's advances. It makes no sense.

DR. H. ABBOTT: It makes all the sense in the world. She's not interested in him.

ROSE: Oh, fiddlesticks. There's definitely a connection between them. Now, maybe she's a little afraid to get close to someone again, but...

DR. H. ABBOTT: Why would she be afraid of that?

ROSE: She hasn't been in a relationship for several years. I think it would be a little bit scary to give up your independence.

DR. H. ABBOTT: That's ridiculous. She came back home to Everwood to settle down, put down some roots, start a family. A woman with those thoughts is looking to get into a relationship, not running away from one.

ROSE: Well, I don't know what it is, but there's something holding her back. I'm sure she'll figure it out. I better put these in some water.

[Rose walks off and Dr. H. Abbott thinks about her words, shaking his head.]

[Cut to the party that Laynie brought Amy to. "Why Can't I?" by Liz Phair is playing. Amy moves through the crowd, carrying a cup and her coat, clearly bored. She walks past Tommy Callahan, not noticing he's there. She sits down on some steps.]

LYRICS: I've got someone waiting, too / but this is just the beginning we're already wet / and we're gonna go swimming / why can't I breathe whenever I think about you

TOMMY: You still in a hurry? Three sightings in two days. It's gotta mean something.

AMY: Sorry. I didn't see you there.

[She gets up, away from Tommy.]


[She turns back towards Tommy.]

TOMMY: I'm Tommy, by the way.

AMY: Yeah, I know who you are.

TOMMY: You know, you probably shouldn't drink that. Alcohol doesn't mix well with, um... you know, you could get really sick.

AMY: Yeah, I know. It's soda. And it's actually none of your business, so...

TOMMY: Sorry. I didn't mean to be an ass. I just -- I...I usually don't know anything worth anything, so when I do, I have to say it.

AMY: Well, it's good to know that your expertise lies in knowing which kind of drugs and alcohol don't mix.

[Tommy laughs.]

TOMMY: What's your name?

AMY: Amy.

TOMMY: Amy. Amy, do you maybe want to continue this conversation somewhere that doesn't have a keg?

AMY: I don't think that's a good idea.

TOMMY: Why, are you afraid you're gonna miss out on this incredible party?

AMY: Yeah, right.

TOMMY: So what's the worse that could happen?

AMY: I don't know. You could be boring.

[Tommy laughs.]

TOMMY: I tell you what -- if I'm more boring than this party, I'll give you something of mine to keep. Here. How about my cellphone?

[Tommy hands Amy his cell.]

AMY: Does it come with a headset?

[They walk to the front door. Tommy opens the front door for Amy and she goes through it.]

[Cut to a factory of some sort. Justin and Dr. Brown walk through a door, entering the factory. This is apparently where Kirsten works. Dr. Brown sets down a small karaoke machine. Justin's going to do karaoke to win Kirsten's heart.]

JUSTIN: Just b-because it worked in the car doesn't mean it's gonna work in real life.

DR. BROWN: It's been proven in hundreds of studies. People with speech difficulties tend not to stutter when they're singing. I mean, it's weird, but it's true. It's something to do with breath control. All you have to do is open your mouth and sing. OK, Justin. Here you go. It's now or never. And remember, you are going to be great.

[Justin starts walking, with the mic in his hand.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) [to himself] I hope.

KIRSTEN: Justin, what are you doing here?

[She sees the karaoke machine and the mic in Justin's hand. Dr. Brown flips on the music.]

KIRSTEN: Oh, my...

[Justin begins to sing.]

JUSTIN: [singing] Who knows what tomorrow brings? / In a world / few hearts survive

DR. BROWN: [to nearby factory worker] Sounds great, huh?

JUSTIN: There are mountains

DR. BROWN: My idea.

JUSTIN: In our way / but we climb a step / every day [inhales deeply but continues singing] Love lifts us up where we belong / where the eagles fly / on a mountain high

[Kirsten takes the mic from Justin. Cheers and applause from Kirsten's co-workers. Kirsten is embarrassed with the attention.]

JUSTIN: I-I know my voice isn't that g-great, but I couldn't let you leave without t-telling you how I feel.

KIRSTEN: I'm sorry, Justin... but I just don't feel the same about you. I'm sorry.

[Justin is disappointed. He turns to Dr. Brown who is sorry that it failed.]

[Cut to a record store. Tommy and Amy are browsing. Tommy picks out a Leonard Cohen vinyl.]

TOMMY: This guy is my hero -- poet turned songwriter turned Buddhist. Went from living a completely indulgent musician's lifestyle that took him all over the world to monking out on Mount Baldy. "Chelsea Hotel" is just about the most amazing song ever written. You need to own this album.

AMY: I don't have a record player. Does it come in a CD?

TOMMY: How can you not have a record player? This pains me.

AMY: Well, it's not like they're that easy to find. Where did you get yours?

TOMMY: My grandma left me hers after she died. That's the only thing I ever got from anyone.

AMY: What about for Christmas or your birthday or whatever?

TOMMY: Uh, I don't want to bum you out with the details of my, uh, "E! True Hollywood Story." [beat] But I wouldn't mind hearing yours.

AMY: I don't have any sad stories.

TOMMY: Right.

[Fade to Amy and Tommy eating at a booth in Mama Joy's.]

TOMMY: You know, a lot of people are on antidepressants. It's not a big deal.

AMY: It is to some people.

TOMMY: Yeah, well, those people, I don't think they understand depression. I mean, I know what it's like to want to escape your mind and your body and... your entire life.

AMY: Yeah, I can tell. But I never really got into the whole drug thing, so...

[Tommy starts laughing.]

AMY: (CONT'D) Why are you laughing?

TOMMY: Yeah, well, I'm guessing you heard the whole "meth addict" rumor.

AMY: So you never --

TOMMY: Meth? No. Pot, yeah.

[Fade to Tommy and Amy walking along train tracks.]

TOMMY: And I drank a lot, and then I wound up in rehab, which, I mean, it sucked at first, but it helped, you know? I'm clean now. My brain works. Well, barely.

[They both laugh, first Tommy.]

TOMMY: So, um, you want to know what I heard about you?

AMY: You didn't hear anything about me. You didn't even know my name until I told you, remember?

TOMMY: That's right. I forgot about that.

[They laugh again. They are now sitting on a bench.]

AMY: But what were you going to say? I'm just curious.

TOMMY: Well, um, I was gonna say that I heard you were the prettiest, most popular girl at County High. But you didn't care about that anymore. You...checked your tiara at the door the day your boyfriend died and... ...you've been wandering the halls alone ever since... ...looking for...something or...someone to fill the void and take all the sadness away.

[Thunder rumbles.]

TOMMY: Here. Take this.

[Tommy hands Amy his coat.]

LYRICS: Got to find a way to get home strong / got to find a way back home

[Cut to Dr. L. Abbott watching the rain come down. Dr. H. Abbott enters. When he starts, his sister turns her attention to him.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well, you must think I am quite the fool. It just -- it didn't occur to me. It took several calls to a clinic in Beijing to find out the truth. It was an intern who told me. Her name was jana. She says to tell you hello. Hope you don't mind, I told her I was your doctor. I suppose you could say that I lied. Then again, so did you.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Do you remember... [clears her throat] ...when I told you that I went to China for a case? Well, that case was mine. After I was diagnosed, I went on a cocktail -- you know, like you're supposed to -- but I just felt certain that there were other methods available to me that I wasn't being exposed to. So I went to Kunming, and I learned acupuncture and herbal remedies, and it didn't just make me feel better, it opened up a whole new world for me. And once that happened, I knew that it was time to come home and share my life with the people that I care about most in the whole world. I'm sorry, Harry. I should've told you.

[Dr. H. Abbott sighs.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: And Mother?

DR. L. ABBOTT: She knows.

DR. H. ABBOTT: What about Andrew Brown?

DR. L. ABBOTT: No. No one else.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well, Linda, if this is the only reason that you're not seeing him, you have to tell him.

DR. L. ABBOTT: No, I -- I can't do that.

DR. H. ABBOTT: He's a grown man. Let him decide for himself what he can and cannot handle. You deserve some happiness in your life... and so does he.

[Cut to Madison outside of the Brown home, covered in a blanket on the swaying glider and watching the rain. Ephram comes out, wearing a T-shirt. He walks towards Madison and sits down next to her. He sighs.]

MADISON: I thought you were ignoring me.

EPHRAM: What gave it away?

MADISON: I figured it out when you fled from the kitchen when Jay called.

[Madison notices Ephram's attire.]

MADISON: (CONT'D) You must be freezing.

EPHRAM: No. I'm all right. You want to talk about it?

MADISON: Not really.

EPHRAM: You sure? I'm a really good listener.

MADISON: I know you are.

EPHRAM: So, what he do? Was it just the standard obnoxious behavior or what?

MADISON: Jay broke up with me because, um -- well, because he felt like I didn't care about him the way that he cared about me. And he wasn't wrong.

EPHRAM: Well, that happens.

MADISON: Yeah, it does. But then he accused me of liking somebody else.

EPHRAM: Somebody else. Please tell me it's not the drummer.

[Madison laughs.]

MADISON: No, it's -- it's not the drummer.

EPHRAM: Good. But there is somebody else?

MADISON: You know, I didn't think that there was because when Jay said it, I told him he was crazy. Me and this other guy, we're just friends. But then I realized that... I get excited every time I know I'm going to see this particular friend. My stomach gets all fluttery when he walks into the room. I don't know when that changed exactly. Might have been the first time I saw him play his music.

[Recognition begins to come across Ephram.]

MADISON: (CONT'D) Or maybe it was when he told me how he felt about me. Nobody's ever talked to me like that before. It was like he was 10 years older than me instead of 4 years younger. The clincher was when he kissed me -- I don't know. At that moment, I just came undone.

EPHRAM: Oh. Unfortunately your taste in guys leaves a little something to be desired, but... if this is what your gut's telling you to do, then I... I think you ought to go for it.

[They kiss until fade out.]



[Open on Tommy and Amy (wearing Tommy's coat) walking up to her house in the early morning shadows. Tommy clears his throat.]

TOMMY: So...

AMY: So. I should probably get inside.

TOMMY: Probably.

AMY: Yeah, it's probably really late.

TOMMY: Or really early.

[They chuckle.]

AMY: Oh, here.

[Amy gives Tommy back his coat.]

TOMMY: Thanks.

AMY: Thank you.

[Tommy gives Amy a tender kiss on the lips. He sighs when it's over.]

TOMMY: I'll be seeing you.

AMY: Yeah.

[Amy goes into her house.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown's practice. He enters the reception area. Edna's present.]

EDNA: Good morning, Doc. You've got a patient in --

DR. BROWN: You know what? It's not a good morning, Edna. I wish it was, but it isn't. Here's what I'm thinking. Phones -- phones are no good to people. We sit, we wait for them to ring, they don't. I want you to disconnect all of our phones today.

EDNA: You don't think that would be bad for business?

DR. BROWN: I don't charge. How much worse could it get?

EDNA: Doc... I'm sorry about Linda.

DR. BROWN: Yeah. Me too.

[Dr. Brown enters his office to see Justin sitting in a chair.]

DR. BROWN: Justin, what are you doing here?

JUSTIN: I just came by to t-thank you.

DR. BROWN: For what? It didn't work. I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea.

JUSTIN: No. It wasn't. All I ever w-wanted was to know that I tried everything.

DR. BROWN: But she said no.

JUSTIN: Yeah. Yeah, that part sucked. My whole life, I've hated how I talk so much that I figured it was better not to t-talk at all. Kirsten isn't the first girl I've ever liked. But she's the first girl I've ever t-told. And just telling her felt pretty damn good. So thank you.

DR. BROWN: You're welcome.

JUSTIN: I'll see you Friday. Maybe we could do more s-singing?

DR. BROWN: I'll bring the karaoke.

[Justin leaves. Dr. Brown has a look like he's getting an idea.]

[Cut to Ephram's room. Rock music playing on Ephram's headphones. He's listening to them while in bed. Someone knocks on the door.]

EPHRAM: I told you I have a cold.

MADISON: So I heard.

[Ephram sits up and takes out his earphones. Madison comes in. She feels his forehead and chuckles.]

MADISON: (CONT'D) I think you're gonna make it.

[Madison sits on his bed.]

EPHRAM: I-I know what you're gonna say, and it's cool, all right? You were confused, it was a moment of weakness about Jay.

MADISON: Can you just stop talking for a second? I just -- I am a little freaked out right now. [sighs] I mean, last night was -- was kind of illegal -- literally -- and if prison was the only thing I was scared about right now, we'd be in pretty good shape. But it's not. I'm scared of a whole mess of things when it comes to you and me. I mean, even saying "you and me" scares me. We're just so wrong for each other, Ephram, in so many ways. I mean, long-term couple thing, we'd never work. The odds are so slim. And short term, it's still weird. But...


[Madison kisses him.]

MADISON: But that. That's a problem. That's the problem that we keep running into.

EPHRAM: You know, I-I-I'm still a little bit sick. I'm not sure if that was just a fever dream or what's going on, but do you think you could do it one more time just so I'm sure?

[She smiles and nods. She kisses him again.]

MADISON: I don't know what I'm doing here.

[Madison gets up of his head.]

EPHRAM: Neither do I. But isn't that the way all great love stories begin?

MADISON: I'm not sure. I've never been much for romantic comedies. I'm way more into horror movies. If I get sick, you're in big trouble.

EPHRAM: Oh, don't worry. I'm not that sick.

MADISON: Yeah? Well, then, get out of bed, you know? Get your ass to high school.

[Madison opens his door.]

MADISON: I never want to say that sentence again.

[They chuckle. Madison closes his door and he sighs.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown sitting on a bench outside someone's home, singing a song while playing the guitar.]

DR. BROWN: [singing] I want to get to know you / I want to show you the peaceful feeling of my home / summer thunder on moon-bright days

[Dr. L. Abbott comes into the view of the camera by letting us see her on the other side of the window.]

DR. BROWN: [singing] Northern lights in skies ablaze / I'll bring to you

[Pan over to show Dr. L. Abbott opening the front door. She comes out and stands near Dr. Brown, listening.]

DR. BROWN: [singing] If you let me sing to you / northern lights in a fiery sky / show the trail of our lullaby sing to you / love is what I bring to you / and I want to sing you a love song / I want to rock you in my arms all night long

[Dr. L. Abbott sits on the ground, still listening to the serenade.]

DR. BROWN: [singing] I want to get to know you / I want to show you the peaceful feeling of my home

[Dr. L. Abbott starts smiling and chuckling during the next part.]

DR. BROWN: [singing] Ooh la la la la / ooh la la la la / ooh la la la la

[Dr. Brown stops singing and talks to Dr. L. Abbott.]

DR. BROWN: I know you told me to stop.

DR. L. ABBOTT: So you decided to ignore that and serenade me instead?

DR. BROWN: Well, I had to make sure I tried absolutely everything.

DR. L. ABBOTT: I have a question for you.

[Dr. Brown takes the guitar off.]

DR. BROWN: Shoot.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Do you know what's happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

DR. BROWN: Uh, can't say that I do, no.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Well, for the past five years, foreign armies and the congoleseongolesed forces have been locked in a power struggle, which has siphoned off most of the country's natural wealth. And in the middle of this are 53 million civilians, most of whom have been displaced and are outside of the reach of aid workers. While I was there, one of the villages I was stationed by came under attack. Bombs were going off all around me. And I set out to find whatever survivors I could. There weren't many. I know you've gone through losing patients, Andy, but this was different. You cannot imagine this much death all around you. [sighs] I found a boy in one of the huts. He'd been abandoned by his family. He couldn't have been more than, uh, 3 years old. I didn't know how long he'd been there, and I couldn't imagine why they had left him alone, but then I saw... some sores around his lip and a few lesions on his back, and then it all made sense. He was bleeding terribly, and I -- I knew I couldn't save him, but I wasn't gonna leave him there to die alone on the floor, so I picked him up, and I held him in my arms... until he passed. It wasn't until after he died that I noticed the gash on my arm. It must have happened during one of the explosions.

[A long beat as Dr. Brown processes this.]

DR. BROWN: I don't know what to say.

[Dr. L. Abbott chuckles.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: I know. That's OK.

DR. BROWN: When did you get tested?

[Dr. L. Abbott sighs.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: About a month after that, and then, um... ...a couple months later. I just thought you should know the truth.

[They sit there for a while. We pan out and then fade to black.]

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