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#213 : Pense à moi

Titre en VO : "Forget Me Not" - Titre en VF : "Pense à moi "
¤ USA : diffusé le 02/02/04 - France : inédit
¤ Scénario : Wendy Mericle & Patrick Sean Smith - Réalisation : Michael Schultz
¤ Guest-stars : Marcia Cross (Linda Abbott), Sarah Lancaster (Madison Kellner), Philipp Karner (Josh Walker), Merrilyn Gann (Rose Abbott), Paul Wasilewski (Tommy Callahan), Charlie Weber (Jay) et Ryan Armstrong (Sam Feeney).

Ephram voit sa relation avec Madison bouleversée à cause d’une chanson qu’il à écrit pour cette dernière.

Amy et Tommy, eux aussi, vivent des hauts et des bas à cause cette fois-ci de leur statut social. Tommy est mal à l’aise car sa mère est une simple femme de ménage à côté des parents d’Amy qui sont docteur et maire de la ville.

Nina remarque qu’elle et son voisin Andy Brown sont devenus beaucoup plus distant et décide de changer de médecin. Mais son fils, le petit Sam va s’amuser avec la voiture de sa mère et percute l’arbre d‘Andy qui l’emmène desuite à l’hôpital.

Harold fête son anniversaire avec toute sa famille ou presque car il manque Amy ...


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Bande annonce 213 (VO)

Bande annonce 213 (VO)


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Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Photo de l'épisode #2.13

Plus de détails

Ephram écrit une chanson pour Madison mais celle ci ne sait pas comment réagir. Ephram est d'autant plus vexé lorsqu'elle refuse de jouer cette chanson avec son groupe ce qui crée de la tension entre les deux jeunes.

Amy et Tommy fêtent leur premier mois de relation en s'offrant des cadeaux mais Tommy se met en colère contre Amy quand il apprend que celle ci est venue chez lui sans lui en parler. Plus tard, il lui explique qu'il est mal à l'aise vis à vis de leur statut social différent. Elle, est la fille d'un médecin et du maire de la ville et lui essaye de s'en sortir avec sa mère qui est femme de ménage dans un hôtel.

Nina décide de changer de médecin et de retourner chez le docteur Abott, elle et Andy étant devenus plus distants. Cela interpelle Harrold qui en parle à Andy. Du coup, Andy essaye d'être un meilleur ami avec Nina mais celle ci ne veut pas qu'il se force.

Amy et Ephram passent du temps ensemble mais les récentes tensions avec leur petit(e) ami(e) ne rendent pas les choses faciles entre eux.

Linda et Andy passent une soirée romantique. Pendant ce temps là, Sam, le fils de Nina, profite que sa mère est endormie pour lui prendre ses clés de voiture. En jouant il arrive à mettre celle ci en route et va percuter l'arbre voisin. Heureusement Andy et Linda entendent le klaxon de la voiture et emmènent Sam à l'hôpital. Les blessures de Sam ne sont pas trop graves, mais Andy décide de rester à l'hôpital avec Nina pour soutenir son amie.

Madison et Ephram font la paix et Ephram est très touché de découvrir que Madison a écrit des paroles pour mettre sur sa musique. En sortant de l'hangar de répétition, Ephram aperçoit les membres du groupe s'adonner à un drôle de trafic avec Tommy.

Harrold fête son anniversaire ( il fête ses 46 ans) mais le repas d'anniversaire est assombrit par l'absence d'Amy. En rentrant chez elle, Edna fait des reproches à Amy à ce sujet. En soirée Amy vient passer une lettre en dessous de la porte où elle lui explique que malgré leur conflit il restera toujours son père, Harrold est très touché par cette lettre de sa fille.


[Open outside the Brown home, early morning. As Irv's narration starts, we pan over to a window to show Ephram playing the piano and then stopping to mark something on a sheet of music paper. Then he resumes playing. He's apparently working on a song.]

NARRATOR: There's nothing in the world like being young and in love. It gives you the power to do things you would never have had the courage to do otherwise. It inspires you to make yourself vulnerable, put your heart on the line.

[We see Dr. Brown in night clothes coming down the steps with a glass in hand as Ephram hits a bad note. He marks something and then just crumples up the paper and tosses it to the floor where there are many other sheets of crumpled paper. He begins playing again. Before he tossed the sheet, we saw that it's called "Madison." Dr. Brown comes closer to his son.]

NARRATOR: (CONT'D) To give more than you can give.

[Dr. Brown walks to the kitchen, not interrupting his son.]

[As Irv continues to narrate, cut to Amy in a record store {maybe even the same one Tommy took her to in "Just Like in the Movies"}. She picks up the Leonard Cohen vinyl called "Songs of Love and Hate" and walks to the cashier to buy it. Present is the sign "All records sales are final".]

NARRATOR: (CONT'D) To speak heart-felt sentiments you thought only existed in old books and flowery poetry.

[Cut to Ephram working on his song to Madison in one of his classes.]

NARRATOR: (CONT'D) And it can make you forget everything except love itself.

[Ephram tidies up his numerous sheets of music. We see Amy's in the class as well. She's working on something, likely for Tommy. I think it's a collage because she's using a glue stick. She looks across to Ephram and smiles at him. Ephram looks to her after she's back doing her project. He smiles at her. We see Amy's project and I was right. It is for Tommy because it says "Happy 1-month anniversary."]

[Fade to numerous things on Amy's bed. She's getting together a basket of things. It's all very elaborate and we see the vinyl's there. She puts something that was on her bed in the basket.]

NARRATOR: (CONT'D) That one thing that makes life worth living. The object of your affection.

[Cut to the Brown living room. Ephram is playing his piece to Madison whose eyes are semi-darty. He looks to her at some points. When he finishes, he sighs and Madison's in semi-shock. There's a long pause before a word is spoken. He looks to her.]

EPHRAM: What's wrong? You hated it. You hated it, didn't you?

MADISON: No. Not at all. It was, um...

EPHRAM: Bad? Really bad? I knew it.

MADISON: Don't be crazy. It was great. It was, uh, I mean, in the middle, you were really rolling there. Kind of Tom Lacy, right?

EPHRAM: Oh, you got that?

MADISON: How could I not?

EPHRAM: Oh, God, you're dying, aren't you? You're really embarassed.

MADISON: It was amazing. I love it. And the band's going to freak out over it.

EPHRAM: Oh, you want to show it to the band.

MADISON: Well, obviously. Come here, you.

[Madison and Ephram get closer and she kisses him. He smiles when it's over.]

[Cut to Amy driving Edna and Irv's truck. It seems as though she's in the trailer park. Far off we see a sign that reads "Callahan" so apparently that is where Tommy lives. Amy gets out of the truck with her gift basket. The number on Tommy's trailer is 3494, I think. Amy walks to the trailer, looking around. I think I hear a lawn mower going off the screen. Amy lets out a deep breath and rings the doorbell. A woman, Roberta Callahan and Tommy's mother apparently, opens the door slightly.]

ROBERTA: Can I help you?

[A beat.]

AMY: Oh, hi, um...

[Amy looks around.]

ROBERTA: You from the church?

AMY: No, I, I think I have the wrong place. I'm sorry to bother you.

[Roberta then closes her door. Nothing left to say. Amy begins to walk back to the truck, still holding the basket. Irv begins narrating again as Amy looks around the surroundings.]

NARRATOR: Inspired by love, we can move mountains, make great changes, do great things. But we can also become so blinded by it that we forget everything, everyone. Even ourselves.



[Open in the Abbott house. Bright is sitting at the counter, drinking milk from his cereal bowl and Rose walks in.]

ROSE: We do own spoons, Bright.

BRIGHT: Eh, it's faster this way. Don't want to be late for my first day back to school. All the ladies are waiting.

[Rose sits at the desk in the kitchen.]

ROSE: Don't forget you're going to the market for me later. I still need a few things for your father's birthday dinner this weekend.

BRIGHT: Are we still doing that?

[Rose turns around to look at Bright.]

ROSE: Of course we are. Why wouldn't we?

[Dr. H. Abbott walks in with his coat on his arm.]

ROSE: [to Dr. H. Abbott] Ooh, you slept late. I was starting to worry.

[Rose gets up and heads to the coffee pot.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Just tired. That's all.

[Dr. H. Abbott looks at the grocery list on the desk.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Why on earth do we need two dozen eggs?

BRIGHT: [singing/rapping] Go, Harold, it's your birthday. Go, Harold.

DR. H. ABBOTT: That's quite enough of that. You know, you needn't go through all the trouble this year, Rose. Celebrations seem somewhat gratuitous, all things considered.

BRIGHT: You go to whoop it up, Dad. You only turn 45 once.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Yes and last year when I turned 45, I whooped it up.

[Rose brings her husband his coffee.]

ROSE: It's just a small party, Harold. Nothing extravagant. It's something to look forward to.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Up to you.

[Dr. H. Abbott gives Rose a kiss on the cheek and walks out the door. Rose and Bright watch him leave with concerned looks on their faces.]

[Cut to Spanish class at Peak County High. Señor Walker is returning papers. Amy gets hers and gives a disgusted face. Señor Walker walks around and gives Ephram his paper back.]

SEÑOR WALKER: Señor Brown, necesitas estudiar más, mucho más.

[School bell rings. Ephram shows Amy his grade and Amy shows Ephram hers. Students get up from their seats to leave.]

AMY: Whatever, it was a stupid assignment anyways. Who could possibly write four pages on the Tortilla's influence on Mayan culture?

EPHRAM: Fortunately, we get to make it up in summer escuela?

[Amy gets up from her seat.]

AMY: No worries, this is totally fixable.

EPHRAM: Wow, can you cry on command too?

[Amy and Ephram walk up to Señor Walker at his desk.]

EPHRAM: Look, uh, we're really.

SEÑOR WALKER: En español, Señor Brown.

EPHRAM: Estamos mucho embarazada.

AMY: You just said "we're very pregnant".

EPHRAM: Well, I'll let you fix this.

AMY: Um, Señor, podemos hacer, credito extra...por favor. Quiero hacer mejor.

SEÑOR WALKER: Bueno. Para credito extra, quiero que preparen una comida autentica. I'm letting you do an extra credit project.


AMY: Great.

EPHRAM: What do we have to do a timeline history on the piñata?

SEÑOR WALKER: I would like for you both to prepare an authentic Mexican mean for the entire class, translate the recipes into Spanish and bring it all in by Monday.

AMY: Perfect.

[Amy and Ephram are walking out of class and talking.]

AMY: I hope you know how to cook.

EPHRAM: About as well as I can speak Spanish.

[Cut to Mama Joy's. Nina is delivering food to a takeout customer. The three town doctors are sitting at the counter eating lunch.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: I can cook.

DR. BROWN: That's OK, you cooked last time.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Ah, you're still not warming up to my meatless meals, huh?

DR. BROWN: Well, the plus is there is never any worry about food poisoning.

[Dr. Brown hugs Dr. L. Abbott and is laughing.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: Ah, maybe we could just go see a movie. [to Nina] What do you think, Nina? Anything worth seeing lately?

NINA: Well, I'm probably not the best person to ask. The last movie I saw in a theater starred Molly Ringwald.

DR. BROWN: Fair enough. [to Dr. H. Abbott] What about you, Harold? You know of any good fests this weekend?

[Dr. H. Abbott sighs.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: I endure these lunches as a forum to discuss topical medical issues. Not to engage in a dialogue over your weekend's events calendar.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Harry has a birthday coming up this weekend. What are you doing for the big day, Harry?

DR. H. ABBOTT: As little as possible, thank you.

DR. BROWN: Oh, shoot. It's 1 o'clock. I got a patient.

[Dr. Brown gets up.]

DR. L. ABBOTT: Ah, hang on, I'll walk with you.

[Dr. L. Abbott gets up herself.]

[Dr. Brown and Dr. L. Abbott walk out in each other's arms.]

NINA: Oh, they're moving right along, aren't they? I didn't realize they'd gotten so, uh,...

DR. H. ABBOTT: Annoying, I believe is the word you were looking for. No, I can only assume this is my sister's way of getting back at me for never letting her win a hand of "Go Fish".

NINA: So, it's pretty serious, then, huh?

DR. H. ABBOTT: You would know more than I. Being his neighbor and only actual friend in this community.

NINA: Actually, I haven't seen that much of Andy lately. Guess now I know why.

[Pause as Nina looks to start something at the counter.]

NINA: (CONT'D) Oh, before I forget, I need to get Sam a flu shot. You don't have any openings in your schedule tomorrow do you?

DR. H. ABBOTT: I'm sure I can accommodate you. Doesn't Dr. Brown normally...?

NINA: Well, his book is pretty full nowadays. I just want to get it done.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Of course. Any patient of Andy Brown's was once mine.

[Cut to Amy's room. Tommy is sitting on her bed. Amy brings Tommy the One Month present she made for him.]

AMY: Ta Da.

[She hands him his present. Tommy pulls the album out of the basket.]

TOMMY: No way.

[Amy sits on her bed.]

AMY: I think one month anniversaries are supposed to be vinyl or something. I'm just keeping with tradition.

[Tommy leans toward Amy on the bed.]

TOMMY: Do you know what I was doing a month and a day ago?

AMY: I have no idea.

TOMMY: Me neither. I can't remember what my life was like before I met you. It's pretty sad, right?

[Tommy and Amy lean toward each other about to kiss when his Blackberry goes off.]

TOMMY: Sorry.

[Tommy looks at his Blackberry.]

TOMMY: (CONT'D) Oh, my buddy, Allen's been bugging me all day about this homework thing.

[Tommy types something in.]

TOMMY: (CONT'D) All right, there.

[Tommy puts the Blackberry away.]

TOMMY: (CONT'D) Now where were we?

AMY: Right about...

[Tommy and Amy lean toward each other again and are about to kiss when his Blackberry goes off again.]

AMY: For a second month anniversary, I'm getting Allen a new tutor.

[Tommy looks at his Blackberry.]

TOMMY: Humm. It's not mine. That's weird.

[Amy gets up from her bed giving Tommy a curious look. She starts to follow the beep and looks under her pillows on her bed to find a Blackberry with a red bow on it.]

AMY: What's this?

[Amy picks the Blackberry up.]

TOMMY: I know, uh. I thought one month anniversaries were wireless communication devices.

[The Blackberry reads that's from Tommy and the message is "HAPPY ONE MONTH, BEAUTIFUL!!"]

AMY: Tommy, this is way too much. I can't.

TOMMY: You don't like it. I mean, I thought about doing the whole earrings thing, but then I figured you didn't want that.

AMY: No, I mean these are like 300 bucks. You can't afford... I mean nobody your age can afford things like this. I know I can't.

TOMMY: Well, I know that's why it's a present, baby. Besides I know a guy who gets 'em real cheap. Some rebate, kickback, illegal scam sort of thing. But trust me, it's-it's completely safe.

[Tommy's Blackbeery rings again. He reads it.]

TOMMY: Oh, sorry. I got to get going. My mom needs to look after my little brother. You got to meet him some time, he's a little tripper.

[Tommy gets up from the bed and putting on his coat.]

AMY: I'd love to meet him and your mom both sometime, you know, whenever.

[Amy gets up from the bed and Tommy walks around the bed and meets Amy.]

TOMMY: Hey, you know what? Let me, uh, let me show you how to shut this thing off, before I go, you know, just in case.

[Amy and Tommy kiss.]

AMY: What about your mom?

TOMMY: Umm, she can wait 5 minutes.

[Amy and Tommy kiss again.]

[Cut to the Brown kitchen. Dr. Brown is stirring something on the stove and Delia is watching him.]

DELIA: Ewww!!!

DR. BROWN: It's bulge wheat. I've decided to cook for Linda this weekend so I'm testing out a few recipes. Dividing 'em into things I can eat and things that make me nauseous.

DELIA: Do Ephram and I have to eat it?


[Delia turns from the stove and stands at the counter.]

DELIA: Boogerwheat.

[Dr. Brown turns from the stove.]

DR. BROWN: I'm making you guys something else.

EPHRAM: Uh, don't worry about me, I'm grabbing dinner with Madison.

DR. BROWN: What? Right now?

[Ephram walks backwards into the den to grab his coat.]

EPHRAM: Well, uh, I could move it to tomorrow afternoon, but that would make it lunch.

DELIA: Why doesn't Madison just eat with us – like usual?

EPHRAM: Uh, because she only eats here when she's getting paid to. Tonight's her night off.

[Ephram grabs his coat.]

DR. BROWN: What about your homework?

EPHRAM: Did it.

DR. BROWN: And piano?

EPHRAM: Practiced. What else you got?

[Ephram puts on his coat.]

DR. BROWN: I don't know. I have no idea what you're doing in your life outside of Madison, 'cause you're never around. This past week, you've come home to change clothes and sleep.

EPHRAM: Well, am I missing out on something around here?

DR. BROWN: Yes, your sister for one. You know a relationship is supposed to add to your life, Ephram. Not become your life.

EPHRAM: Well, before Madison, I had not a life. Now I do.

DR. BROWN: Well, it doesn't mean you have to spend all your time with her. You know, you could let it breather occasionally, spread the "happy" around.

EPHRAM: I gotcha. Feeling the wisdom. Be home by 10.

[Ephram leaves and Delia and Dr. Brown watch him walk out the door.]

DELIA: I liked it better when they hated each other.



[Fade in on Dr. H. Abbott's office. Nina is there with Sam. Dr. H. Abbott is giving Sam a shot.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Now that wasn't too bad, was it?

[Sam is playing with a Hot Wheel.]

SAM: Vroom, Vroom.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Alright, we're almost done here, Sam.

SAM: Can you teach me how to drive?

[Sam runs a Hot Wheel on Dr. H. Abbott's forehead.]

NINA: I'm sorry. He's in his monster truck phase.

DR. H. ABBOTT: That's certainly an improvement over the biting phase I last saw him in.

SAM: Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam. Vroom.

DR. H. ABBOTT: How did Dr. Brown take the news? Have you told him Sam was coming here?

NINA: Oh, I didn't mention it. I doubt he'll notice anyway. His schedule is so crammed these days.

DR. H. ABBOTT: As is yours I would imagine. Am I wrong or have I noticed you working more shifts than usual at Mama Joy's lately?

NINA: Yeah, a few more. Plus, I, uh, started this telemarketing job that takes up a lot of my nights, so... But the upside is I can do it at home, its just it's a little crazy.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Alright, Sam, we are all done.

[Dr. H. Abbott sets him on the ground from the table.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: (CONT'D) So, why don't you go have Nurse Louise get you a lollipop of your choice?


DR. H. ABBOTT: Kid's quite a decibel level, doesn't he?

NINA: You should hear him after he finishes the lollipop.

DR. H. ABBOTT: So you and Carl are due for a vacation. So when is he coming back?

NINA: Actually, Carl and I are separated. We're probably gonna get a divorce.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Divorce? Nina?

NINA: Well, I haven't exactly been broadcasting it. I keep waiting for him to come home so we can explain it to Sam together, but...

DR. H. ABBOTT: You've been dealing with this alone. Nobody else knows.

NINA: Well, I told Andy, but you know how it is. He's got his kids, his practice, his own life.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Yeah, well, as do we all. Doesn't mean we can simply smirk our responsibility as friend and physician. Especially not during difficult times like these.

NINA: Well, it's not so bad. Besides, you know Andy. He gets overwhelmed pretty easy. I'm sure he'll pop back up again when he gets his ducks in a row.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well...

[Sam yells from down the hall.]

SAM: I want two lollipops. Mom?

NINA: Well, I better go get him before he breaks Louise.

[Cut to view of a street and then sidewalk outside the grocery store. Bright and Ephram are walking down the sidewalk.]

BRIGHT: I don't get it. I mean, you wrote her a song, which, by the way, was girly move number one, but whatever. You played it for her, she dug it, you macked down. I don't see what the problem is.

EPHRAM: I don't know. Something just feels off. I don't think she like it.

BRIGHT: So what? I mean, as long as she's willing to make out with you, who cares about the song?

EPHRAM: I do. Maybe I should talk to her.

[Bright stops to look at his hair in a store window.]

BRIGHT: Bro, you're killing me here. Man, all this talking and caring, and you know writing cheesy love songs. Why don't you just hand over your testicles not and get it over with?

EPHRAM: Are you really calling me a girl? 'Cause you're the one that's actually fluffing your hair right now.

BRIGHT: I have a wing ding, OK? It happens.

AMY'S VOICE: Ephram.

[Bright and Ephram look toward Amy as she comes from across the street.]

BRIGHT: What's she doing here?

EPHRAM; We're going shopping – for school.

AMY: Hey.

BRIGHT: It's Dad's birthday tomorrow night. Mom wants you to come.

AMY: Yeah, I know I was planning to...

BRIGHT: Whatever. Just do us all a favor and bring him a present, OK? [to Ephram] I'm out.

[Bright and Ephram do a buddy hand shake and Bright takes off.]

AMY: Wow, that was the longest conversation I've had with him in two weeks. OK?

EPHRAM: Are you ready for Nacho Fest 2004?

[Cut to inside grocery store. Amy is pushing the grocery cart and Ephram is following her.]

EPHRAM: I poached us a couple of menus from Taco Bell. Figured we could use it as source material.

AMY: Works for me.

[Ephram throws the menus into the cart. Ephram's cell phone rings. He fishes it out of his coat pocket.]

EPHRAM: Hold on one second.

[Ephram answers the cell phone.]

EPHRAM: Hey...Uh, huh...OK, uh...

[Amy shows Ephram tortillas and he agrees with his hand.]

EPHRAM: Yeah, no, uh, sure. You want me to pick you up? Alright, I'll see you then. Bye.

[Ephram puts his phone back in his pocket.]

AMY: I take it things are going well with you and Madison?

EPHRAM: Yeah, you know. Hmmm.

[Ephram jumps in front on Amy rolling the cart before going down another aisle.]

AMY: Is it weird us talking about this?

EPHRAM: No. No. I don't – I don't feel weird at all. Do you?

AMY: No – no, not at all.

EPHRAM: Good. So, uh, what do you want to know? She's awesome. She actually likes me, which is odd.

AMY: No, it's not. I'm glad it worked out with you two. Must be cool having so much in common – the whole music thing. So did she actually ever see the Beatles play or...?

EPHRAM: Oh-oh-oh. Very funny. And how's Rico Suave? You guys sharing needles yet?

AMY: Look, I know Bright slated him up to be a big crack addict, but he's not like that. He's actually really smart. I think you'd like him.

EPHRAM: [sarcastic] Yeah.

[Amy's Blackberry goes off. Message reads that's from Tommy and "PHARMACY 4 P.M. BE THERE."]

EPHRAM: Oh, is that a Blackberry?

Amy: Yeah. Tommy got it for me for our one month anniversary.

EPHRAM: Cool. What are you gonna get for one year? A GPS tracking system?

[Ephram picks up some cheese in a box.]

EPHRAM: (CONT'D) So, I'm thinking this, a couple bags of chips and we're in the clear, what do you say?

[Cut to Mama Joy's. Dr. Brown is reading at the counter. Dr. H. Abbott walks in and over to Dr. Brown with curiosity.]

DR. BROWN: What do you think goes better with breaded tofu – merlot or cabernet?

DR. H. ABBOTT: I take it you're planning yet another evening with my sister.

DR. BROWN: Well, I usually don't tofu it alone. I'm also thinking of adding say tan noodles to the menu just in case that changes anything.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Who cares? Honestly. Entire religions have been created with less forethought.

DR. BROWN: Problem, Harold.

[Dr. H. Abbott goes around Dr. Brown, takes his coat off, and sits on the stool next to Dr. Brown.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Far be it for me to intrude on your bussing relationship, but I must say your behavior is bordering dangerously close on obsessive. For heaven's sake, you're letting the life blood of your practice slip right out from under you without so much as batting an eye.

DR. BROWN: What are you talking about? My office has never been busier.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well, then that would explain why you didn't know that one of your former patients came to see me today. Sam Feeney – the overly rambunctious child.

DR. BROWN: Nina brought Sam to you? Why?

DR. H. ABBOTT: I would assume that your hectic schedule of Linda, Linda, and Linda, has made it especially difficult for some patients to meet with you.

DR. BROWN: Oh, that's ridiculous. Nina knows I'd always make room for her and Sam.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Not for nothing. But Nina extended her warmth and hospitality to you when you exploded into her neighborhood. I think it's time that you return the courtesy now when she needs it most.

DR. BROWN: What did she tell you?

DR. H. ABBOTT: Oh, not as much as she told you. Now, naturally, my understanding of single parenthood is limited to what I've gleamed from the occasional Lifetime Movie. But you have actual first hand experience with it. Surely, you know how difficult it can be.

DR. BROWN: Of course I do.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well, I'm sure that you've offered to babysit from time to time. Cooked a few meals for her - that sort of thing.

DR. BROWN: Well, Nina knows if she wants something from me all she has to do is ask. That's the kind of relationship that we have.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Really. I always thought that you two had the kind of relationship where she wouldn't have to.

[Cut to outside of the pharmacy. Amy is walking toward the pharmacy and Tommy.]

AMY: Hey. You're never gonna believe what I did. I tried to Blackberry you some really sappy message and I think I wound up text messaging some Japanese businessman and now he won't stop writing to me. Everything OK?

[Tommy walks away from Amy up the sidewalk.]

TOMMY: I have a question for you. Two days ago, I'm at the pharmacy, where were you?

[Amy follows him.]

AMY: Uh, I don't know. At school probably.

[Tommy leans up against the wall.]

TOMMY: I'm talking about after school.

AMY: Um, I don't really remember.

TOMMY: That's funny, because my mom seems to remember. She says that someone who looks exactly like you stopped by my house the other day, only you pretended to be from the church.

AMY: No, that was a mistake.

TOMMY: So you were there?

AMY: Yeah, but...

TOMMY: What were you doing?

AMY: I wanted to give you your gift.

TOMMY: And you didn't think maybe you should tell me about that?

AMY: Well, I decided I wanted to give it to you in person.

TOMMY: So now you're lying to me?

AMY: No. Look, I-I just wanted to surprise you.

TOMMY: But you show up at my house, completely uninvited and you don't even bother to tell me. I mean, you met my mother for God's sakes and you don't even mention it. Who does that? Did I ask you to come by? Did I say it would be OK?

AMY: No.

TOMMY: No, then that's just it. Either you're invited to someone's house or you're not. And you weren't. So in the future, if I don't ask you to do something, you don't do it. Period.

AMY: Excuse me. Look, are you mad because I went to your house or that I didn't tell you about it?

TOMMY: Look, just don't do it again, OK? I got to get back to work.

[Tommy walks around Amy and goes back to the pharmacy, leaving Amy shocked outside.]

[Cut to outside Madison's garage. Ephram pulls up in his car. Jay is loading his guitar into his car on the passenger side.]


[Ephram walks past him.]

JAY: She's in there. Going over the latest.

EPHRAM: Oh, cool. So it's coming together good then. How-How's that last progression after the chorus, it was a little tricky I was thinking about maybe tweaking it.

JAY: Dude, what are you talking about?

EPHRAM: Well, that song that I wrote ... Uh, nothing.

JAY: Wait. You wrote a little love song for Madison. Ah, it's so cute.

EPHRAM: Shut up.

JAY: No, it's cool. I wrote a lot of songs for chicks when I was your age. It's totally normal pre-pubescent behavior. Just tell me, it's not called Madison?

[Jay laughs.]

JAY: (CONT'D) Hey, don't stress, kid. If the song's good, it's good. Is it good?

EPHRAM: Obviously not, otherwise you would've heard it by now.

[Ephram turns to walk inside.]

JAY: True that. Sucks to be you.

[Jay walks around his car to leave.]

[Cut to inside Madison's garage. Madison is getting up from the stool when she sees Ephram enter.]

MADISON: Ephram, perfect timing. We're just wrapping up.

EPHRAM: You should've told me the truth. I could've handled it.

MADISON: What are you talking about?

EPHRAM: Instead, I come all the way down here and I end up looking like an idiot in front of your ex-boyfriend, which is hard to do, considering he has the IQ of a potato.

MADISON: Slow down. I have no idea...

EPHRAM: The song. You never showed it to 'em. You never planned on showing it to 'em. Instead, you lie to me. Why?

MADISON: I don't know.

EPHRAM: Oh, that's good. Thank you. That's really helpful.

MADISON: I'm sorry. I-I never should have said that I would show the band the song, because you're right. I wasn't going to.

EPHRAM: So you hate it?

MADISON: No. I'm just – I'm not comfortable sharing that stuff, especially here.

EPHRAM: Why? Because of Jay?

MADISON: Because of everybody. Because it's a little embarrassing.

[Madison pauses, realizing what she just said didn't sound good.]

MADISON: (CONT'D) This is –this is coming out all wrong.

EPHRAM: No-no-no, I get it. It's embarrassing. I embarrassed you. I'm sorry. I'll leave before I do it again.

[Ephram turns to leave.]

MADISON: It's not you, Ephram. Can we talk about this?

[Ephram turns back toward her for a second.]

EPHRAM: No, I get it. It's cool. I'll see you later.

[Ephram leaves and Madison is standing there upset.]

[Cut to Nina's house. Nina answers the door. Dr. Brown is holding a casserole dish with pot holders.]

DR. BROWN: Behold my chicken.

NINA: Wow, that's some garlic in there.

[Dr. Brown walks past Nina into the house.]

DR. BROWN: The recipe calls for twenty-five cloves. But, you know what, sounds like a lot but it's pretty tasty. No need to thank me.

[Dr. Brown sets the casserole on the counter and walks toward Sam who is playing with Hot Wheels in the den.]

DR. BROWN: Hey, Sam. How's it going?

SAM: I'm driving.

DR. BROWN: Ooh, fantastic.

[Dr. Brown sits on the couch.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) Hey, you know what, Delia used to have these little Hot Wheels. Maybe they're still around somewhere.

NINA: Ooh, first, chicken, now Hot Wheels. Christmas must have come early this year.

DR. BROWN: Oh, just neighborly. That's all.

NINA: Is everything OK?

DR. BROWN: Yeah, everything's good. Work is good. Kids are good. How are things with you?

NINA: Oh, they're fine.

DR. BROWN: Sam feeling OK?

NINA: You talked to Dr. Abbott.

DR. BROWN: Harold. Did we talk? I don't remember.

NINA: Ah, Sam, honey. I need you to go to bed.

SAM: Already?

NINA: Yes, already.

[Sam leaves the room.]

NINA: You can shove that chicken where the sun don't shine, Andy.

DR. BROWN: Well, that is just uncalled for.

[Nina picks up Sam's toys and walks toward the kitchen.]

NINA: Steamroll into my house with your bogus peace offering just so you can guilt trip me about taking Sam to see another doctor.

[Dr. Brown follows Nina.]

DR. BROWN: I'm not trying to guilt trip you. I just want to understand why you didn't talk to me first before making a decision to switch doctors.

NINA: Well, it wasn't a decision. I needed to get Sam in and sometimes you can be a little difficult to pin down.

DR. BROWN: Since when?

NINA: Since lately. I haven't seen you outside of Mama Joy's in I don't know how long. Do you know?

DR. BROWN: Well, I just... I assumed that you were busy.

NINA: My ass.

DR. BROWN: Alright, fine. I assumed that you were depressed and didn't want to talk about it. I know that when I've been depressed and needed to talk about it, I'd come to you. So I-I guess I thought that if you needed me, you'd find me too. That's-that's the way it works with friends.

NINA: And who said I needed you?

DR. BROWN: Well, if you don't need me, then what am I doing here right now.

NINA: I have no idea. In fact, I kinda wish you'd leave because I have to get Sam to bed, finish doing the dishes and the laundry and get a head start on my fabulous new career of telemarketing.

[Nina goes in to the kitchen.]

DR. BROWN: Telemarketing since when?

[Nina leans against the counter.]

NINA: You know, I really don't have time for this right now.

DR. BROWN: I get it. You're-you're overextended. I can see that and no one understands that feeling better than I do so why don't you just let me help you with some of it? Tomorrow night, I'll have Madison watch Sam and you can do whatever you want. You can watch a movie from this decade. You can read a good book. Whatever, you deserve it.

NINA: I don't need your babysitter, Andy.

DR. BROWN: Look, I'm just trying to help here, Nina. What do you want me to do?

NINA: I just want you to go.



[Fade in on Edna and Irv's kitchen. Ephram and Amy are working on cooking for their Spanish project.]

EPHRAM: IS there no service anywhere in this house? I'm getting like one bar.

AMY: Are you gonna help or are you gonna obsess over your phone all day? My dad's birthday dinner's in an hour and I'd like to get there on time. Thanks.

EPHRAM: I am helping and I'm not obsessing. Thanks.

AMY: Look, I don't know what you're freaking out over. She's probably got other things going on.

EPHRAM: Like what?

AMY: I don't know. Maybe she's having a jam session or bingo night. Whatever it is, I'm sure she's not sitting around wondering when she should call her high school boyfriend.

EPHRAM: Uh, oh, sounds like somebody has a fight with Tommy Crackhead.

AMY: Like you would be able to tell anymore if I was upset about something.

EPHRAM: You're right. I probably wouldn't.

AMY: Guess, you can only be friends with only one Abbott at a time, is that it? Bright, the lucky winner this year. But, hey, maybe next year you'll be my friend again, kind of like a trade off system.

EPHRAM: Well, I don't – I don't see you coming at me. As usual, Amy gets a boyfriend and everybody else in the universe ceases to exist, but I guess I can't take it personally, seeing as you don't talk to blood relatives anymore.

AMY: How would you know? You haven't asked me about it. We're standing in my grandparents' kitchen right now and you haven't even said one word.

EPHRAM: Well, what do you want me to say that I think that you're totally whacked – 'cause I do. You-you move out of your house over some guy you barely even know.

AMY: You think this is all about Tommy. You think he's the reason my life is where it is right now.

EPHRAM: I don't know.

AMY: Yeah, that's right. You don't know. I've been on anti-depressants for the past few months. Did you know that? Did you know that I didn't actually ask to move out of my house that my parents basically kicked me out? My dad can't even look me in the eyes anymore. My grandparents are only tolerating me because they feel guilty. So first I lost Colin and then I lose my family, but you know, it's fine because I met a guy a few weeks ago that made it all better. Yeah, that's what happened.

EPHRAM: Look, this all went down pretty recently. You never came to me.

AMY: No, you never came to me.

[Amy checks the oven.]

EPHRAM: Look, I'm outta here.

[Amy pulls the food out of the oven and places it on the counter.]

AMY: Ow.

[Smoke alarm goes off.]

AMY: Ouch.

[Cut to outside Edna and Irv's. Ephram is walking out of the door and sees Tommy. He yells back at Amy inside the house.]

EPHRAM: You have a visitor.

[Ephram looks at his cell and walks past Tommy to leave.]

EPHRAM: (CONT'D) Is there no service anywhere in this town?

[Amy walks out the door and sees Tommy holding a rose.]

TOMMY: I come in peace.

[Amy grabs her coat from inside the door and walks toward Tommy.]

AMY: We need to talk about what happened yesterday.

TOMMY: Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm really sorry.

AMY: Look, I don't know where that came from, but if we're going to be together, then I need to understand what's going on with you.

TOMMY: I said I was sorry.

AMY: I don't want an apology. I want an explanation.

TOMMY: Could we just pretend like the whole thing never happened?

AMY: No, we can't do that. I'm sorry.

TOMMY: I was embarrassed, OK? Have you ever been called white trash or had to stand in line at the grocery store and pay for stuff with food stamps. I mean, it's about as humiliating as it sounds. Your dad is a doctor. You know, your mom is the freakin' mayor of Everwood. My mom, she-she cleans motels for six dollars an hour. My job at the pharmacy isn't some after school "saving up for a car" kind of job, you know. What I make goes for rent, water and electricity. I mean, we used to have this, uh, this great old house up on Mulberry, but when my parents split, he kept the house, but he didn't keep us. All my mom could afford was three hundred bucks a month and a two-bedroom trailer. I lost most of my friends. It's a tough sell, you know, getting kids to hang out at the trailer park. Anyways, um, I guess, I – I didn't want you to see where I lived or that part of my life because I was afraid I'd lose you too.

AMY: And I proved you right by freaking out and leaving.

TOMMY: Yeah, well, you were sweet enough to lie about it.

AMY: Um, I'm sorry I did that.

TOMMY: It's OK. I probably would've done the same thing. It's weird, isn't it?

AMY: It's not that weird. So you live in a trailer park, so what? I live in the guest room of my grandparents' house. It's just where we live; it's not who we are or the reason why we're together. I'm not going anywhere.

TOMMY: Hey, can I take you out to dinner? I know this really great restaurant I think I can get us into. You know, burgers, fries, McNuggets.

[Tommy hand Amy the roe and they walk off together hand in hand.]

[Cut to the Brown house. Ephram walks in and Dr. Brown is lighting candles on the kitchen table.]

EPHRAM: What's for dinner?

DR. BROWN: What are you doing here?

EPHRAM: This is where I come at the end of the day. It's where I live. It's where I sleep. What's with the table?

DR. BROWN: Linda's coming over for dinner tonight. She should be here any minute.

EPHRAM: Cool, maybe I'll take Delia over to Sal's for pizza and a video game.

DR. BROWN: Delia's over at Brittany's. I figured you'd be with Madison tonight. Wait a minute, why aren't you with Madison tonight?

EPHRAM: Would you believe that we decided our relationship is strong enough that we don't need to spend every waking moment together?


EPHRAM: Then I think we're in a fight.

[Doorbell rings.]

DR. BROWN: Well, what happened?

EPHRAM: I don't know. I –I wrote her a song. She didn't like it. I got mad and –and not she's not calling me.

[Doorbell rings several times. Dr. Brown heads toward the door.]

EPHRAM: It's hard, isn't it?

[Dr. Brown turns back toward Ephram.]

DR. BROWN: What?

EPHRAM: Trying to have a relationship and a life at the same time.

DR. BROWN: Yes, it is. But I want to talk to you about this. I'll tell Linda we have to postpone dinner and then you can tell me everything that happened.

EPHRAM: That's alright. That's pretty much it.

DR. BROWN: Why don't you just have dinner with us?

EPHRM: No, I'm fairly certain that seeing you in date mode would scar me for the rest of my life. I'll, uh, be in my room.

[Ephram grabs his coat and heads to his room.]

[Cut to the Abbott house. Bright, Dr. H. Abbott, Rose, Edna and Irv are eating in the dining room with an awkward silence around the table.]

EDNA: Damn, fine meal, Rose. What did you put in that glaze, in case, I want to cook and give Irv another heart attack?

[Everyone laughs.]

ROSE: Actually, it's very simple. Just a bit of marmalade and some cloves. Now who's ready for some cake?

[Rose rises.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Now, why don't we hold off on serving cake, just now, Rose? Give everyone a little time to digest.

BRIGHT: Uh, why don't we open presents? That's the fun part anyways, right, Dad?

[Bright gets up and goes over to the presents.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Sure.

[Bright grabs a present and hands it to Dr. H. Abbott.]


IRV: That's from, um, Edna and me.

[Dr. H. Abbott opens the gift.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: A window defroster.

EDNA: Top of the line window defroster.

DR. H. ABBOTT: Yes, I know. I recall I gave you one very much like this for Christmas.

IRV: Well, we loved ours so much.

BRIGHT: Uh, here, open this one.

[Bright hands his dad another present. Dr. H. Abbott opens the box and pulls out a stethoscope.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Well, it's beautiful. My word. Well, it looks like an antique.

BRIGHT: It's a 19-1952. It's an Allen & Hanbury.

DR. H. ABBOTT: That's right. Your grandfather had one just like this.

BRIGHT: Yeah, I know. That's how I got the idea. I remember how when I used to go to his office, me and ... Well, we used to play with his stethoscope. I checked to see if the plants had a heart beat and ... Cause Mom said plants were alive. Grandpa called me an idiot. Good times.

[Dr. H. Abbott reads his card aloud.]

DR. H. ABBOTT: Love, Bright and Amy.

BRIGHT: It's from both of us. It's actually more Amy's idea.

DR. H. ABBOTT: It's a wonderful gift. Thank you very much. Why don't we go ahead and serve that cake now, Rose? No need waiting any longer.

[Cut to the Brown house. Drs. Brown and L. Abbott are eating dinner at the kitchen table.]

DR. BROWN: And then when I offered to help by lending Madison to her, she practically slammed the door in my face.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Then to answer my initial questions, Nina's not OK?

DR. BROWN: I can't believe she was being so defensive and cut off.


DR. BROWN: I know.

DR. L. ABBOTT: No, I mean, wow, you screwed up.

DR. BROWN: What? What did I do?

DR. L. ABBOTT: Well, it sounds like you didn't do anything, which was your first mistake. I mean, Nina's entire life is changing right now. I'm sure she's dying for her friend.

DR. BROWN: Well, that's what I was doing. I was being a friend.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Well, sometimes to be a friend, you just pull up a chair, make a pot of coffee, and listen. You don't bribe them with babysitters and chicken.

DR. BROWN: Wow, I screwed up.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Yeah, you did, a little.

DR. BROWN: I should probably talk to her.

DR. L. ABBOTT: You know what, if you want to go over there right now, I'll completely understand.

DR. BROWN: No – no, that's OK. WE still have dessert.

[Cut to Nina's house. Sam is watching TV laying on the floor. Sam gets up and covers Nina with a blanket who is asleep on the couch. He tentatively grabs the car keys out of Nina's purse laying beside her and runs outside.]

[Cut to the Brown house. Drs. Brown and L. Abbott are sitting on the couch in front of the fire with their wine glasses and cuddling.]

[Cut to outside Nina's house. Sam is getting into Nina's car from the passenger side and climbing over into the driver's seat. He starts playing like he's driving. He puts the key in the ignition and turns the car.]

[Cut to the Brown house. Dr. L. Abbott is laying in Dr. Brown's lap. They hear in the background a car's wheels squealing and a car crash and the horn going off and look up startled.]

[Cut to Ephram's room. Ephram is sitting at his desk with his headphones on reading a comic. He heard the horn going off as well and takes off his headphones.]

[Cut to the front porch of the Brown house. Drs. Brown and L. Abbott run out the door and look at Nina's car up against a pole.]

DR. BROWN: It's Nina.

DR. L. ABBOTT: Oh my God.

[The two doctors run over to the car and looks in the front seat.]

DR. BROWN: Call 911. Oh, God. It's Sam.

[Cut to Nina's house. Nina is asleep on the couch.]



[Fade in on a hospital. Dr. Brown walks out of a room and walks over to Nina who is in the waiting room]

NINA: How is he? Can I see him?

DR. BROWN: Doctors are just finishing up. Why don't we sit down for a second and I'll give you all the details?

NINA: It's bad, isn't it?

DR. BROWN: He has a slight hairline fracture of his right arm, but he's young, his bone's resilient. It should heal right up in a few weeks.

NINA: Why can't I take him home?

DR. BROWN: He had a mild concussion from the impact. They ran a CAT scan and there's nothing wrong. Mostly as head injuries, but they want to keep him overnight just to be sure.

NINA: Oh, my God. How could I have let this happen?

[Nina crying into Dr. Brown's arms.]

DR. BROWN: It was an accident, Nina.

NINA: It was so irresponsible. How could I just have fallen asleep like that?

DR. BROWN: Listen. Listen. Listen.

[Dr. Brown sits down with her.]

DR. BROWN: (CONT'D) You were exhausted. You were doing the work of three people with no help whatsoever. I mean, if anyone should be responsible, it should be me.

NINA: No, Andy, please. This isn't your fault.

DR. BROWN: I haven't been there for you. Not as your doctor and certainly not as your friend. You shouldn't have to ask me for help. It's something I should just know instinctively. I mean, you've been there for me more times than I can count. I honestly don't know how I missed this. I'm so sorry, Nina. I guess I just got caught up in...

NINA: Your own life. It's OK. You're allowed.

DR. BROWN: Well, I'm gonna get better at this friend stuff. I promise.

NINA: I hope that doesn't mean you're gonna make me more chicken.

[Nina laughs.]

NINA: (CONT'D) You should go, Andy. It's so late. Linda's probably waiting for you.

DR. BROWN: No. Nope. Nope. I'm staying right here with my friend. I'm not going anywhere.

[Cut to Amy's room. Amy fiddles with her Blackberry and Edna walks in.]

EDNA: Where were you tonight?

[Amy turns around, startled.]

AMY: I was out with Tommy. Why?

[Edna and Amy look at each other and Amy realizes what she did.]

AMY: Oh my God.

[Amy sits at her desk.]

AMY: (CONT'D) Oh, my God, Dad's birthday. Grandma, I completely forgot. Is it too late? Can I?

EDNA: They've all gone to bed. I know you're having a tough time and it isn't like I agree with everything your folks are doing, but to miss your father's birthday.

AMY: I know – I know I screwed up. I meant to...

EDNA: No one cares what you meant to do. The only thing anyone's gonna remember is that you weren't there. There was one person your dad wanted to see tonight – you.

AMY: So what do I do?

EDNA: I don't know. From the look on your dad's face, I'd say it's gonna take a hell of a birthday present. I hope you saved your allowance. Good night, Amy.

[Edna leaves and Amy sits at her desk upset.]

[Cut to Madison's garage. Ephram is sitting on a stool and Madison is writing something.]

EPHRAM: Sitting in the middle of your garage with my eyes closed. As far as apologies goes, this one leaves a lot to be desired.

MADISON: One second.

[Madison walks behind Ephram and wraps his arms around him and puts her chin on his shoulder.]

MADISON: Okay, open.

EPHRAM: Oh, you're giving me back the song that I wrote for you. That's really exciting. That's how you say I'm sorry, then you suck at this.

MADISON: Look closer, dumbass.

[Madison smacks him on the butt and goes to the side of Ephram.]

EPHRAM: Well, there's lyrics here. I didn't – I didn't write any lyrics.

MADISON: I know, I did. That's what I spent the last twenty-four hours doing, which is why I didn't call you yesterday.

EPHRAM: Well, you wrote lyrics for me.

MADISON: Yep. You're amazing, Ephram. You surprise me almost every day, but I'm not gonna lie you freak me out sometimes too. And when you gave me that song, it-it-it blew my mind in a good way but also in a scary way. It's like every time, I've caught up to you in terms of how much you're into this – us; you're always ahead of me again.

EPHRAM: What are you saying? I like you more than you like me?

MADISON: No. I'm saying that you put a thousand percent of your energy into this relationship and I'm not used to that. I wanna catch up to where you are, but in order for that to happen you're gonna have to slow down a little.

EPHRAM: I guess you're right. I mean. I-I can be a little overeager. I don't have to put a thousand percent into this, I can do eight hundred, maybe eight fifty.

MADISON: Well, that would help me a lot.

EPHRAM: Then, that's what I'll do.

[Madison kisses Ephram.]

MADISON: Now will you do me one more favor and play that song you wrote for me?

[Ephram laughs and they walk over to the keyboard and Ephram plays a few chords and stops. He picks up the sheet music and looks at it.]

MADISON: What's wrong? Is it the lyrics? You hate them. They suck.

EPHRAM: No-no-no. It's-it's not the lyrics. It's just the song. It's – bad. Look at this intro – what was I? Smoking when I wrote this? And this bridge, are you kidding me? Do you have a pen?

MADISON: You're out of your mind, Brown?

EPHRAM: You know, it's a good thing you didn't show this to the band 'cause I would have never been about to show my face around here again.

MADISON: Oh my God, the band. I told them to take five like half an hour ago.

[Madison runs out the door to find the guys.]

MADISON: Guys, we can start up again. Let's go.

JAY: Alright.

[Guys are smoking cigarettes with Tommy. Ephram comes out and see Tommy. Madison kisses Ephram again.]

MADISON: You wanna hang out for awhile. I always like having your ear around.

EPHRAM: Uh, no, I've got this, uh, Spanish thing, that I got to finish up. But what are you doing later?

MADISON: Nothing. Wanna grab dinner?

EPHRAM: Uh, actually, I have an overeager's anonymous meeting.

[Madison smiles at Ephram.]

[Cut to Mexican restaurant. Ephram and Amy are sitting on a bench waiting.]

AMY: Gum?

EPHRAM: Thank you.

AMY: Um, Hmm.

EPHRAM: Hey, you were right. I, uh, I wasn't there for you. You pretty much had the worst year of your life and I disappeared. Sorry.

AMY: It's OK, Ephram.

EPHRAM: I-I want you to know that if anything ever did happen to you; if you ever really did need me then...

AMY: I know.

EPHRAM: Good, 'cause I would.

AMY: I know.

[Ephram and Amy hug.]

AMY: The truth is I wasn't really mad at you the other day. I was upset with Tommy and instead of dealing with him, I took it out on you and I'm sorry.

EPHRAM: Yes. Pretty much the same for me. I was all wrapped up in...

AMY: Madison?


[Amy giggles.]

AMY: Yeah, it's kinda weird talking about them, isn't it?

EPHRAM: I know, it shouldn't be. I mean, in a perfect world, I would be all European about it.

AMY: No, I don't-I don't think you need to be all European about it. I mean, we can still be friends and just not talk about that part of our lives. We just need to remember to talk to each other, Ephram.

EPHRAM: Yeah, it's-it's not like they're our entire lives or anything. In fact, I don't think they should take up as much time as they do. In-In my opinion, what makes a relationship great is, uh, well, it give

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